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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July Anchorage Adventure

This past winter, I made plans for a summer adventure in Anchorage.  I returned home this morning from five days in Anchorage visiting my childhood friend, Louis, and his wife and daughter.  
Getting on the airplane in Chicago, headed for Anchorage!

My best friend from childhood, Louis!

Life was GOOD in anchorage!

Dinner with friends!  Amazing peanut butter pie!  

Looking out the window on the way to Alaska!

Abel and Amy!  

Chicken and pasta!  So yummy!

Always good to see Fran!  

A visit to the Anchorage Museum.  Tourist for the day!  

I always like a good Raven!

The Feather Bears at the museum were my favorite.  Impossible not to smile!

Raven Totem

Fish Art.  

Cool mural.


Another cool Anchorage mural.

Fun art on the side of all the trash cans in downtown Anchorage!

Blue Moose Totem

A few pictures from my hike up (most) of Flattop Mountain

Taking FULL advantage of the hot tub.

Flowers at the Zoo.

A puddle of baby moose!

I got to feed to porcupine!  

Raven sitting in the sky.

Mountain Goat

Grizzly Bear

Louis, Tamara, Evie, and Angus (dog).  Such a wonderful family!

Reindeer Hot Dog

Evie dominated the french fries

Tamara and Evie and french fries

Looking out the window on a rainy day.

Race Day Breakfast!  Skinny Raven Half I come!  

At the start of a VERY rainy race day!

Daddy/Daughter Giggles

Taking off back home on a rainy night.  


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