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Monday, August 7, 2023

End of Summer

 I woke up this morning with the feeling that summer is over.  Last night we had some intense winds and storms and it all felt like the crescendo to our summer.  While there is still a little time remaining until school begins again, my time and thoughts will be dedicated to preparing for it all, rather than forgetting about it.  

The last week has been in the mid-to-high 90's, with temperatures "feeling" like 110 degrees.  This time has been spent almost completely indoors with lots and lots and LOTS of screen time and naps and ultra-low attempts at anything other than resting.  It has been nice but also sad that we lost a week in July to do much.  

Now, however, on this Saturday morn, it is raining and the birds outside my window are enjoying the bugs and a refreshing shower.  The coffee is hot and the dogs are resting near the open window, enjoying some cool(er) air and fresh scents.  Summer is over, and while we are still "on break", there is a sense of impending business that fast approaches.  School supplies and lesson plans await our attention instead of books, movies, and playtime.  Responsibilities are popping up in the back of my mind where once it was calm.  

For now, though, I am enjoying one of the final weekend mornings free, listening to the rain fall.  It reminds me of growing up in Juneau.  It is not a hard rain, but a gentle one that is constant.  A typical day, really, in Juneau.  

--Monday continue--

So now I pack my computer bag and prepare for my first trip out to school for a few hours, hoping to get some semblance of an idea of what my classroom should look like.  It is exciting and bittersweet at the same time to truly accept that summer is over.  Sigh.


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