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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Enjoying the Morning

 Someone once said that most things in our lives are the dreams of others:

-The meals we eat every day are the dreams of someone who is hungry.

-The house that seems messy to you is the dream of someone who is homeless.

-The time we spend together is the dream of someone who has lost.

The quiet morning is all I can ask for as our spring break begins.  The daily things we, work, early mornings, meals, lessons, etc....our whole house has been working so hard.  It will be nice to slow down and just be for a few days.

It has been nice to see some friends lately, and also to see our own children forming and developing relationships with friends and being social.  Children are a true wonder, and it is amazing to see how far each of our three have come.  Pride is a word that doesn't seem grand enough when it comes to how I feel about their accomplishments in school and their talents in music and arts and athletics.  However, I am most amazed at their kindness and wanting to just be good towards others in general.  

The rest of spring break has no real outline other than cleaning and really trying to attach projects around the house.  With Disney in our rear view mirror and Juneau ahead on the summer horizon, we all felt like just being home and resting.  The final push towards summer break will be a long one in some ways, and recharging seems to be on the menu for the week!  How lucky we are!


Saturday, February 10, 2024

A Whatever Day

 A quiet little Saturday morning in February.  The day hasn't made up its mind yet as far as where it will take us all.  Maybe errands...maybe somewhere just for the sake of getting out of the house....whatever.  It is a "whatever" day.  

But I still enjoy the stillness of the house.  There is a peace and deep contentment knowing that my whole family is sleeping and safe.  There is a lot to be thankful for.  

Geese honk in the distance outside as they fly over the grey morning clouds.  Dogs snore quietly at my feet.  Kids (and wife) snuggled under their blankets.  There is no hurry right now, and that is wonderful.  So let the day arrive whenever.  Whatever.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Quiet Beginnings

Violet in the snow!


Often my favorite moments of a day are the quiet ones before everyone else is awake.  Whether it is on a normal work day, while in the pitch black...just siting awake waiting for the sun to rise...or whether it is like today:  a grey, dreary Sunday morning where the snow is melting and the world is still really asleep for just a little while longer.  I savor the short time I have to just sit with my thoughts and the possibilities of the day.

It got pretty chilly for a little while around here!

This January has been a good start to the year, with time for our family to transition back from Winter Break, and get our house in fairly good working condition.  There are always plans and such with a house....always something that needs cleaning or fixing...and it is this part of the "house zen" that I am trying daily to accept with more and more patience:  it will never be done!  Homeowners often say this with a grin...but it really is true.  There is always something that needs attention or that is next-up on the list of things to do.  There is something about accepting this that brings a sense of up the pursuit of perfection can sometimes be uplifting.

Audrey during her first drive through experience as a driver!

So as the days pass and February lurks around the corner next week, it is fun to begin glancing to the horizon of spring and then summer.  Adventures await beyond our daily routines of school and work and responsibility!  Trips and drives and exploration are our there for us when we have taken care of the things we say we will do!  This past trip to Disney helped me even more to appreciate how smart and independent my children have become.  They no longer need me for nearly as many things...which I guess is the goal.  It is truly a wonder to see them think and operate and learn independently. 

From our travels to Disney!


So while I sit here quietly enjoying the still and quiet, I also keep one eye on the future where we are always moving.  How lucky I am to be here now....and also to be able to see our path forward.  


The dogs never leave me alone!

Violet and Sam in the front yard!  Remember these moments!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

A New Year

 It is a new year.

This blog has been slowly decaying and falling further into the recesses of my mind, but I need to try and bring it back to the forefront.  

The original purpose of this blog was to communicate about our lives to the rest of my family around the country, especially those living in Alaska...but over the last three years so many people so close to us have left this life.  The people who I have been writing for are gone, and it has drained so much of the passion and motivation to continue. 

But there is a saying that it is never too late to start over, and, while this is not technically "starting over", I am hopeful that this next year will bring about a sort of personal renaissance or rebirth of desire to put thoughts to screen and publish.  If not for them, then for my own children who are now starting to find this blog and read about their own history through my eyes.

And so we begin 2024 with a sense of calm and peace, along with shadows and memories of those that are no longer here...but I cast my eyes on the horizon while remaining aware of each single step that is in front of me that I must take.  Where this journey leads, I cannot say for sure...but I remain hopeful and grateful to have this day and any others ahead.
