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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Night

Here it is...another Saturday night!

Tonight is Daddy/Daughter night due to a nght out with the ladies for Kim. Audrey and I are watching the NFL draft and folding laundry currently, and then it will be movie time as she enjoys an evening bottle and possible nap!

Today has been foggy for me since I was up all last night at a school lock-in sleepover! I volunteered along with three other teachers to chaperon the event. Families bid against each other for tickets for their kids. The auction was a success, and I believe our overnight event raised nearly $900 alone for the PTA! We had a blast: playing basketball in the gym, whiffle ball outside before it got dark, hide-and-seek throughout the school, feeding Monty the Python, playing the Wii using our projector board! Add pizza and karaoke to the mix and you have a very memorable evening.

While the kiddos were asleep by 2:30am, I worked on sharpening my resume with my principal (who also spent the night just in case). Unfortunately, I have been releases due to district budget issues again. It is very frustrating building a sucessful classroom all year, only to be told I'm not returning. This has been my fifth school in as many years. Fortunately, I have managed to land an interview at a middle school in a nearby district. However, I hesitate at the thought of leaving District 45, as it means having to start over in terms of experience I hold towards tenure. The bottom line is that I have a responsibility to protect and provide for my family, and a job is a job is a job. I look forward to the interview next week and will keep everyone posted. I appreciate all of the love and support everyone is giving me.

For now, though, Audrey and I are due for a nap on the couch with the tv on mute. Later, after folding clothes and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, we'll savor some quiet time with a movie or reading before bed! I hope this post finds you all well and in peace.



PoorWetTree said...
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PoorWetTree said...

Hey Abe.... i was wondering how life is treating you and i ran across your blog. your daughter is beautiful, I'm so happy for you. i feel your pain on budget cuts and losing jobs.
i'll be in chi-town this summer for a teen poetry tournament (hawaii won last year and is currently being featured on an HBO doc.- Def Jam Presents: Brave New Voices)
i released a CD- Luke did a bunch of work on it. is a good way of getting ahold of me.