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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break

Mom and Audrey in South Bend snuggle

I just returned from dropping my mom off at the airport. It has been a very nice Spring Break thus far for me. My mom arrived from Seattle on Friday. I had just enough time to bounce from school to home, get a quick snack and change Audrey, then zoom out to O'Hare International Airport to pick up mom.

It was truly a special moment when she first set her eyes upon her granddaughter for the first time. From that moment on there was rarely a word that came from mom's mouth that didn't involve a play-by-play on the movements and noises of Audrey.

Mom and Audrey playing around Wednesday morning

We headed to South Bend the next morning to attend the service for Kim's great uncle who passed a few days before. It has been a tough few weeks on the Flesher/Goheen sides of the family, but Audrey continues to be a shining star and a bright point on which everyone can focus during their times of difficulty. It is a blessing to see someone in tears walk by Audrey and then begin to laugh and smile because Audrey caught their eye and gave them a goofy grin.

Audrey being cute in her little green dress

We just spent Saturday and most of Sunday in South Bend. Mom and Dixie and Ann were the three muskateers and had many laughs. My mom just loves them and enjoyed every second of visiting the farm, talking gardening, and eating every available piece of Dixie's carrot cake!

The Ladies in my Life (From Left): Dixie, Kim, Me, Audrey, and Diane

Monday through Wednesday has been spend "chillaxing" around the house here in Illinois. Mom and Phoebe developed a very close relationship, as Phoebe became a trator and slept in mom's bed every night. We took trips to the hardware store and fabric store among other errands. My sister, Eden, made two knit coats and this awesome knit eggplant hat. I have taken several photographs and attached them here with Audrey in he new diggs. Also, Aunt Amy and Uncle Gary in Indy sent up a Cubs outfit just in time for the '09 season opener!

Go Cubs Go! Go Cubs Go! Hey Chicago, whadda' ya' say? The Cubs are gonna WIN today!

We ended the trip by driving into the city onto Devon Ave. in Chicago and enjoying a warm Indian lunch with Uncle Stuart. It was also Uncle Stuart's first encounter with Audrey, and he had her on his knee for almost the entire meal! Audrey managed to grab a little bryani rice!

Uncle Stuart gets to know his Great Niece over a nice Indian meal!

So, now we are home, blogging and listening to some blues and contemplating a quick walk of the dog befor the sun sets on this windy spring day.

Audrey sporting her new clothes made by her Awesome Aunt, Eden.

It was really a treat to introduce my mom to the first grandchild on her ENTIRE side of the family. One of the last things she said before entering the terminal was, "I just need to remember that I am only a plane ticket away." I liked that thought.


1 comment:

mindyj2 said...

I love those sweaters your aunt made! Audrey is so cute and lucky to have such wonderful parents! :)