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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Early Birthday

A nice evening with family, getting some special treatment for my birthday next week. 32 is not an age I ever fantasized about, yet I feel as if I'm living my dreams! I am beyond fortunate to have healthy children and an amazing wife, and also lucky to be surrounded by so many loving friends and family!

There is so much to be thankful for, really to the point of not being able to express it in words.

As for the update and such, baby Violet is growing quickly and has recently had her vaccinations and received a clean bill of health at her 2-month check up. Audrey is a bright spark of energy and is in constant motion! I look forward to reading books with her every day!

Kim is making the difficult transition back to work after spending so much wonderful time at home on maternity leave. As soon as that lottery ticket comes through, it will be great for her to stay home and raise our girls!

While some measure life in years, I find it more satisfying to count my blessings and do my best with each day I'm given.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Simple Saturday

Today is very nice. It is cold and frosty out, but inside we have been cleaning and folding warm piles of laundry in between bites of fresh blueberry pancakes and hot coffee!

Now I am snug on the couch while Violet sleeps in her swing and football playoffs proceed on the tube!

Quiet, clean house. Happy content family.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Right now...

It has been a wonderfully quiet Sunday, spent mostly with Audrey, doing simple things like cleaning, reading, playing games, and a trip to the grocers. Simplicity seems to often win out over complexity a majority of the time in our household.

Amidst the rounds of laundry and snacks, I realized that we hold the new year dearly not really because we survived the previous year, but because it is a set point that super reds all other events, and gives us the option of saying "right now".

No matter how negative a habit in our life, this time allows us to say that as of "right now", this will change. The rest of the year, we all find reasons to continue down certain paths and allow specific behaviors to fester, even though we know they do us no good.

Right now I will be more active.
Right now I will lose weight.
Right now I will quit smoking.
Right now I will get on top of my finances.

(this is what I hear. I don't smoke)

We need the new year not to brag and celebrate the future, but to contemplate our pasts and Adjust our mindsets and expectations of ourselves as we move into the time and space that will define us.

Here are my right nows:

Right now I will read more.
Right now I will challenge myself more professionally.
Right now I will appreciate my wife more.
Right now I will communicate more with friends and family.
Right now I will take my health more seriously.

What will or won't we all do right now?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Last few days of winter break

Just some pictures of time with my daughters over the last few days.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

What exactly is the importance of a new year? We celebrate the previous year by examining our personal mistakes and successes and attempt to adjust ourselves for the next 365 days. I have had an amazing past year, with a successful job, a healthy family, our new daughter, Violet. I completed my masters degree in school leadership and successfully trained and ran the Chicago Marathon while losing over 55lbs in the process!

I look forward to 2012, but not without recognizing the success of 2011. It is important for all of us to focus on the positive in our past rather than our perceived flaws and ineptitudes. It is fine to have goals for yourself and to want to attain specific levels of success, but not if that means continual reminders of previous incidents of failure.

I look towards 2012 with the hope of continued improvement in my profession, helping my family grow and learn, supporting my wife in here life, and finding more opportunities to reconnect with friends and family!

Whenever you are in life, I wish you peace and inner calm that will allow you to reflect and appreciate all of the good that you do in life.

Happy New Year.

--the Orelove Family