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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Right now...

It has been a wonderfully quiet Sunday, spent mostly with Audrey, doing simple things like cleaning, reading, playing games, and a trip to the grocers. Simplicity seems to often win out over complexity a majority of the time in our household.

Amidst the rounds of laundry and snacks, I realized that we hold the new year dearly not really because we survived the previous year, but because it is a set point that super reds all other events, and gives us the option of saying "right now".

No matter how negative a habit in our life, this time allows us to say that as of "right now", this will change. The rest of the year, we all find reasons to continue down certain paths and allow specific behaviors to fester, even though we know they do us no good.

Right now I will be more active.
Right now I will lose weight.
Right now I will quit smoking.
Right now I will get on top of my finances.

(this is what I hear. I don't smoke)

We need the new year not to brag and celebrate the future, but to contemplate our pasts and Adjust our mindsets and expectations of ourselves as we move into the time and space that will define us.

Here are my right nows:

Right now I will read more.
Right now I will challenge myself more professionally.
Right now I will appreciate my wife more.
Right now I will communicate more with friends and family.
Right now I will take my health more seriously.

What will or won't we all do right now?

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