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Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Light in the Dark

I believe that there is an inherent good in almost all people.  For that same level of good, there is also a level of darkness that humans are capable of.  It is the responsibility of parents and adults to foster the light within each child in order to battle the darkness.  I see the news on television and the internet about human darkness and the terrible things we are capable of doing to each other and the Earth.  I know that many parents want to make their environment safer and "better" for their children, but it is a true challenge to change the social awareness and mentality of people.  To be the change that truly evolves human consciousness is what we must attempt as a whole in order to reach such a goal.

There is a level of basic responsibility that I witness every day that many people are not accepting.  Simple acts such as holding doors for others, saying "thank you" and making eye contact with other human beings are not being fulfilled.  I am sickened by the disgusting number of children I see with a portable screen of some kind in their face as the real world passes by them all around.  A social network becomes a social disability before too long, and children are lacking the ability to interact with other children after too much electronic exposure.

While I am guilty of allowing some cartoons and kids programs to invade my house for continuous play on weekends, I also monitor the shows and discuss them with my daughter.  When she asks a question about something she sees, I answer her honestly and without filter.  I do not hide truths about humans or what people are doing if she asks about them.  To deny a child the truth at an early age is to dilute their foundation of social understanding upon which they are attempting to build their moral compasses.

There is no real end to this thought, only an end to this blog.  There are parts of childhood and interacting with young people that are truly special and amazing and fun.  There are also parts of these exchanges that must be direct and honest, no matter what the situation.  Everyone must work to fuel the lights of truth and honesty and humanity within the youth, otherwise their flames will falter and we will be left in the dark, forced to fumble forward with open, searching hands.

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