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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Going Grey

Yes, I am getting more and more grey hairs. I am also getting some wrinkles around my eyes. No, I will not be purchasing any dye or face cream in the foreseeable future.

This is because I am proud to make it to a point in my life where these signs of longevity actually occur. Many do not get to live long enough to sport my sore right knee or hardened marathon feet. No, these crows feet will keep dancing around my eyes without fear of being blemished by blemish cream.

I plan on living long enough where my daughters look at a picture of me taken today and can't believe how young I looked! These signs of physical wear are also indicators of life lived.

So let those grey hairs come! Let the wrinkles go. Focus on living life and making each day beautiful, rather worrying about a temporary reflection in the mirror and trying to look like a magazine advertisement.

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