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Saturday, December 27, 2014

One for the Road

A final post before we usher out the old year, and ring-in the new.  It is important to look back at this past block of time and contemplate and reflect.  A new year means nothing if we do not reflect and attempt to evolve.  We celebrate the new year for two reasons: First, we have survived and made it through a year of events and happenings.  Second, we are fortunate enough to be able to look forward to the next year...a blank slate, full of possibilities and anticipation.

Watching Audrey and Violet grow has been the best part of my year.  Audrey graduated preschool and is now thriving in kindergarten.  She loves science and reading almost to a fault.  Audrey is active, goofy, and always looking for an activity that grows her imagination and challenges her thinking.  She is looking forward to first grade, and we could not be more proud of her accomplishments and growth as a little person with big dreams.  Violet is finding her likes and dislikes, and has a fiery personality all her own.  She is the biggest sweetheart, but will let you know where you stand, and tells it like it is.  She adores her sister, although they squabble quite a bit.  However, in this past year, Violet has really begun to explore her personality and define who she is.  She is learning her letters and alphabet, pretend reads, and loves to bike outside and be active on the playground.  Again, as parents, we are so proud and love our children very much.

The job front remains stable this past year.  Both Kim and I are lucky and fortunate to have excellent jobs that we love and look forward to each day.  I am still teaching 5th grade math and science and love what I do.  While a future in administration is what I anticipate, it is difficult to give-up summers and getting to go home at 2:30 each afternoon to spend time with my children.  I will continue to pursue administrative positions, but will make the final decision whether to transition when a job is offered to me.  I love my school district, and would like to continue to grow there and offer my services to this community that has given me so much.

Personally, 2014 has been a year of maintaining accomplishments.  While I don't think I broke too much new ground, I did spend a lot of time cementing previous work.  I continued to grow as a teacher and a professional educator.  I spent a lot of time with my children and growing our family.  I ran a lot and kept my fitness level as a runner fairly strong.  I ran five half marathons last year in an attempt to keep my running levels up but not stress my knee too much, which was the reason for no marathons in 2014.  The half marathon is a perfect distance for me, although I miss the challenge of training for a full marathon.

Kim has grown and transferred into a new position at her work.  She is challenged and works with an inspiring group of people.  She seems to be reinvigorated by her new surroundings and personnel.  She has also taken steps forward as a photographer, being hired on several small photo shoots and continuing her digital editing into the wee hours.  I am so proud of all of her accomplishments this year.

As stated earlier, having the privilege of looking forward into a fresh year is a wondrous thing.  I read somewhere that as long as we can accept that things do not stay the same or go as planned, we can maintain a healthy outlook on life.  Being able to adapt and adjust has always been a crucial part of my life.  Whether that is moving to a new place, making the transition to parenthood, or simply accepting that something will or will not happen has been an important piece to my life.  Acceptance is the key word here.  Having goals is the best way to operate, in my opinion, but also being able to adjust these goals as life happens is an important skill.  With that being said, I am excited about 2015 and the possibilities it holds!

There are many things I want to accomplish or build upon in this next year.  First, I want to become a better parent and learn how to meet the needs of my children even more.  How do we incorporate more art and creativity in to their lives?  How can we build more empathy and interactions with other people into their schedules?  Building a foundation of caring and compassion and imagination is an essential focus this year.

Also somewhere on the internet, I read a post that said something along the line of pick three things you enjoy:  one to make money, one to keep fit, and one to help you learn.  These three things are what I intend to focus on after my duties as a parent.  First, I want to continue to grow as an educator, and attend several professional development conferences or training sessions.  These will help me improve my job skills, impact students on more levels, and bring more overall satisfaction to my job.  Next, I want to return to marathon training and running this year.  Last night I registered for the Wisconsin Marathon in May.  This event has cemented my commitment to my fitness in the next year.  While half marathons were great, I never felt challenged by the runs and want to really reach a level of physical fitness that I have never accomplished.  Later in January, I will enter the lottery for the New York Marathon, which is on my bucket list.  Besides distance running, I will focus on cross-training and full-body fitness, as well as proper nutrition and diet.  I know this is a common goal for many at the start of a new year, but I feel truly prepared to dedicate myself to this goal of physical fitness.  Finally, my goal to help me learn is to simply read more.  Whether it is the latest Stephen King novel, a scientific article, or a book about American history, I need to read more.  I want to show my children that reading is a key to success in life.  My father is always reading, and I am always glad I took time to read once I finish.  Reading is critical to my success moving forward this year.

So there we are, a final post on the year, and a layout of goals moving into 2015.  I want to wish everyone a peaceful and satisfying 2015.  I hope that I have more opportunities to travel and visit friends and family in this next year, and that other things unforeseen reveal themselves in positive and constructive manners as we move forward in this next block of time.  So laugh a little more, care a little more, and enjoy this thing called "life" as much as you can, because no one knows where this road leads, or when it will end.  It has been nice to stop and take a perspective look around before hopping back on and hitting the road again, crossing over into 2015.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Somewhere in the Middle

December is a funny bird of a month.  It is after Thanksgiving, and holds all kinds of holidays and celebrations, and then gives way into the blandness that is late winter.  I lay here, in bed, waiting for motivation to strike for a run.  The girls are watching a show downstairs on the couch, cuddled-up with blankets.  It is a simple Sunday, with some food, cleaning, laundry, and naps (hopefully).

Our trip to Virginia a couple weeks ago was, as expected, wonderful.  The trip there was broken-up by a stop and sleep in West Virginia.  It was nice to just admit to being tired and pull-off and sleep for a few hours before completing the 14+ hour trip to Richmond.  We rolled-into our destination mid-afternoon, and it was nothing but sweet to see my Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene, and cousins Sam and Emma.  

Audrey and Violet are in heaven every year when Aunt Irene creates an "Imagination Room" where their busy hands can create and play.  During these times, everyone takes turns interacting and watching the girls.  They really do a great job at letting Kim and I have a short "break" and get a little time to enjoy Virginia.  As usual, Uncle Fred conducted a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner, and Aunt Irene was the hostess of hostesses.  Getting to visit each year restores my faith in the world and makes me realize how wonderful the world can be.  

We got to walk along the river downtown, and I was tempted to sign-up for the Richmond Marathon next year...we will see if I can get Sam and Emma to sign-up too!  Shopping in Carytown was great, and we bought our annual ornaments for our tree at home.  Chatting with family members about current events and issues always gives me perspective.  We also got to see my sister, Eden, as she made a day trip from Washington to visit.  The girls love their Aunt Eden, and it is always special to get to see my sister!

It is always too quick of a trip, but we left on Saturday morning, and drove straight-through the night to arrive back in Illinois very early Sunday morning.  IT was nice to be in our own beds again, and wake-up on Sunday morning to be left to our own devices.  Now a couple weeks have passed and we find ourselves looking towards winter break, holiday in Indiana, and transitioning into winter.  While there isn't any snow today on the ground, it is bound to be here sooner than later.  

Until then, though, we find ourselves stuck in the middle...between holidays and a new year.  We will remain close together, keeping the warmth inside our home, while temperatures drop outside.  Wherever you are, we wish you a happy and relaxed holiday season.  Now it is time for some afternoon naps and working through the rest of our lazy Sunday at home.


Audrey and Emma creating in Virginia

Violet at dinner in Virginia.  

Uncle Fred showing Audrey what a brussel sprout  stalk looks like.

Audrey reading to me.  She is a reader.  I am proud of her.

Aunt Irene measuring for her Thanksgiving dinner table design this year.  


Audrey and cousin Sam playing in the front yard.

Audrey, Emma, Sam, and Violet checking the map along our river walk.

Aunt Eden with Audrey and Violet in Virginia.

Audrey and Violet after getting lollipops at For the Love of Chocolate.

Weeeeee represent the Lolipop Guild.

Violet is good at bananas.

Violet and Grandma at Audrey's Winter Program.

Making cookies with Grandma.

Eating cookie dough is more fun than actually making cookies.

Daddy made an apple pie.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snow Run & Running Dream

I know these last couple posts are about my running more than the Orelove family, but it is just what is on my mind as of late.  The family stayed-in today as the first real snow of the winter season flurried outside.  I took what may be the last opportunity to run outside on pavement without worrying about slipping or injury.  The run was simple, with no music or headphones.  Just the snow falling all around, and the sound of flakes hitting the sidewalk.  The wind was picking-up, and reminded me to look for my long running pants soon!  As I ran, I thought back to a dream I had last night...also about running:

I was in a small town and signed-up to run the marathon there.  From the beginning, I was very stressed because I had mistakenly thought the run was on tomorrow, but it was actually TODAY!  My main objective in this dream was to find-out where to pick-up my running bib and information.  I was literally running around this small, imaginary town looking for the packet pick-up.  Besides being off by a day, I didn't know the name of the town I was in.  Every time I asked someone the name of the town, I didn't understand them and they just looked at me in confusion.  I must have asked ten different people the name of the town so I could put the information into my phone and find the race information, but I couldn't hear anyone and was completely lost.  The dream ended with me watching the marathon runners pass me by.  I was running against the rest of the race, like a salmon upstream, desperately trying to find my race information so I could join the run.

I don't know what this dream means.  I have been looking for a new goal or event to train for over the winter season, so maybe this is telling me that I feel lost at the moment and don't know where I am at the moment or what direction I want to move?  Maybe these dreams are more symbolic of larger life issues:   Where are we headed as a family?  How do I define myself as a person?

Or maybe I just need to exercise more.  I don't know.  No matter what, today was a nice run out there again by myself in the elements, running for the sake of running, rather than training for a race.  Sometimes completing something for its on sake is a reward in itself and should not be explored too deeply.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Night Run

The wind is picking up, but not enough to dissuade me from a night run.  The kids are asleep and the daily chores are done, and now it is time to escape for a little while.  My watch beeps in the night as the run begins.  It will track my position while I try to forget everything and just go.

The wind nips and pushes me as my legs begin to warm-up and feel the familiar pavement.  Bumps, cracks, uneven sidewalks, roots....all long-time friends of my runs, reminding me to be ever-alert as I press forward into the night.  Tonight I run without headphones or music, and just listen to the sounds in the darkness.

Yellow street lights are beacons I run towards, thankful for the brief blips of vision as I pass and move back into the shadows.  House after house I pass, each with their lights on, people inside, doing whatever it is they do before they sleep for the night.  The rhythm of the run is taking over.  My breaths and heartbeats blur with the passing of the houses and street lights.

My watch beeps to remind me of the miles as they pass, but it is distant.  Thoughts begin to fill my head, then leave once I give them a passing-over.  Thoughts about work, plans, life, kids, family, health, money..they all melt away after examination and contemplation.  I am left with myself, stripped away to the bare bones.  No falseness, no walls, no distractions.  This is where the run gets intense...not when I begin to sweat, but when I am all alone with myself.  There is nothing more honest than conversations with myself.  Self-examining and asking important questions.  Questioning my decisions and reinforcing the positive actions.

I am plunged into darkness as the run brings me to a street void of lights.  Only the partial moon peeking-out from behind fast-moving clouds provides me with muted shadows and glimpses of the ground I tread.  As I carve the miles, I carve my mind and body.  Everything is one now:  One motion, one breath, one beat, one step.  The tinder leaves cackle on the ground as I pass and the wind growls in a low chuckle of sorts.

A final turn and I find myself at the last stretch of my evening journey.  The park pond is icy black and the street lamp elongates my shadow until it looks like dark string passing over the grass.  At the doorstep, a final beep tells me I have returned and can save my run for posterity.  My breath returns and a slight cry for water can be heard somewhere in the back of my mind.  I look over my shoulder before crossing the threshold.  The moon glints a farewell, and the wind gives a final push, as if it is patting my back and saying, "Until next time..."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Welcome

Sisters at the playground.
Welcome November.  We felt your chilly fingers reaching for us at the end of October, and now your presence is seen and felt with the frozen grass and icy windshields in the morning.  While a drop in temperature seems to be your calling card, I also recognize that you bring Thanksgiving and many an afternoon spent snuggled under blankets reading a good book or napping a gray hour away.

Swinging in the sunshine on a fall afternoon.
It has been a busy last chunk of time in our family, with Halloween, a birthday, and general work taking-up much of our time!  Halloween was only two days ago, but it has become a two-week event around here.  Last week we completed our trick-or-treating in both Plainfield and Naperville.  It was nice to walk around the downtown areas and see local businesses and feel that we were in safe environments with lots for children to do and see.  It is also strange because visiting businesses for Halloween was never a thing when I was growing-up...although I also had to watch out for black bears during Halloween, I accept differences and embrace the change!

Slip sliding away.
It was a good idea to participate in Halloween festivities last week, as the actual Halloween day was fraught with very high winds, snow flurries, and sleet.  Needless to say, the girls did not go out in search of candy...and not too many other people did, either.  

Halloween.  Audrey is a monarch butterfly and Violet is Darth Vader. Here we are in Naperville next to a giant pig pumpkin!
The next day brought us all a chilly November morning, but we were in high spirits as it was Violet's birthday.  It is hard to believe that there is now a three-year-old running around our house now!  Violet has her own set of life rules, and is true to herself.  It has been such a gift to see Violet grow and learn about the world around her.  She brings a certain flair for life with her, and her honesty and passion for life are always evident!  I love you so much, my little kiddo!
The Pod.  Our new minivan.
Finally, with a new page on the calendar comes the countdown until Thanksgiving.  This year we will be driving our new minivan on our annual trip to Virginia!  We cannot wait to see the family and play and have adventures in Richmond!  The girls are already thinking about playing with Aunt Irene, chasing Sam and Emma around the yard, and exploring Carrytown again for another Christmas tree decoration!  So much to do, so little time!  If only November were longer.....


I guess this is a V-Rex?!?

Violet:  Just too cool.

Violet on a bench enjoying a snack of goldfish.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall is here

A lazy Sunday is rolling out before us.  Loads of laundry, dishes, sweeping...the usual suspects of a Sunday line-up.  This morning, however, I woke a bit early to watch the Chicago Marathon.  I have been lucky enough to run in two Chicago Marathons.  Getting to see some of the elite runners in the world compete is a real treat.  Running sub-five minute miles the entire way.  What an amazing event.  To watch everyday people meet their goals and accomplish something that they once thought impossible, it is inspiring.  It reminded me of why I love running and especially why the marathon encapsulates so many positive qualities about humanity.

With my fill of inspiration, I move through today with hope for the world, and take time to enjoy watching my daughters play and laugh and live their little lives.  The NFL now fills the TV screen, and the girls are enjoying a tea party before nap time.  The laundry is folded, the dishwasher hums peacefully in the kitchen, and the dog snores next to me on the couch.  Soon a book and an afternoon snooze will make my Sunday complete.

Now a couple weeks later, this blog post remains incomplete, and unposted still.  It is mid October now, and the leaves are in full-firework mode before they fall for the winter.  It is so beautiful that I forget how lucky I am to be witness to this all.  We celebrate Violet's birthday, even though it is still a couple weeks away.  That is all fine and well, though, as three-year-olds should have multi-day celebrations!  These are the things in life worth living for.  We have been enjoying the crisp fall days, going on walks, laughing, savoring the sunlight before earlier and earlier blankets of darkness cover the sky and usher us indoors.

This past winter was brutal, and it is one that I have kept close to mind.  Past winters, even since childhood, have seemed to come and go.  Last winter, however, was cold, and unforgiving, and relentless.  I remember clearly promising out loud that I would not complain of summer heat if and when it finally arrived...and I stuck to that promise.  Even now, as the days cool and the nights start earlier, I do not complain, and rather prefer to enjoy that day which is given to me.  Even when the snow finally does begin to fall, I will do my best to remember the warmth of days past and know that the snow does not last forever, although it may seem so some days.

The bigger picture is that our family is happy and healthy.  Kim is working hard and being very productive at work and always looking for new opportunities to advance her career.  She works tirelessly on her photography, and I couldn't be more proud of her.  Oh, and she is a terrific mother to top it all off.  Audrey is just amazing us every day with what she learns, what she retains, and how she applies her understanding of things to everything around her.  She is so sweet and always trying her best, and we love her.  Violet, as stated earlier, is almost three.  She is a nut, and the biggest sweetheart of all.  While she can be crazy, she can also be equally sweet and cuddly.  I am so lucky to lay my head each night in my home and fall asleep being surrounded by such amazing family.

Now it is time to spend the rest of the evening with my kiddos and wife, enjoying some football and maybe even a cookie or two!  What a life...  

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October welcomings

Welcome October!  Bring your cape of colorful leaves and sunsets and blanket our lives.  A chill enters the air, and every breath we take brings a crisp shot of life with it.  We sift through closets, finding blankets and warm socks to trap our heat while lazing on the couch this Saturday.  The on and off rain keeps us at bay in our shipyard of toys and magazines and books yet to be explored.  While the darkness is finding more and more of the light to overtake, we laugh and play inside our house, not caring that a frost is on the way and rumors of snow may find their way into truth.

This is the season of transition.  We sleep a little deeper, play outside a little harder, savor the sun just a little bit more.  For we know that winter is not too far off, and the leaves falling are the same as grains of sand in an hourglass.  We are finding layers of clothes in preparation for our constant battle with the elements, hoping to retain that much more body heat with each shirt and sweater.  While we still get outside, we no longer play in shorts and a shirt, but in pants and something thicker with long sleeves.

Audrey and Violet are noticing the fresh chill in the air, and the moon rising earlier and earlier each day.  A season of brisk walks and stomping through fallen leaves awaits these two little sprites.  Phoebe the dog seems more energetic with her cooler environment.  The rabbits still outrun her, but not by much, as they must dive into nearby bushes to avoid capture.  Our little family is organizing and cleaning this weekend, trying to find more space for blankets and getting indoor activities prepared for when we can no longer stay outside.

So we huddle close, toasting ourselves under thick blankets, feeling safe and secure.  It has been a beautiful day, despite runny noses and some hacking coughs.  Thoughts of Alaska and family fill my head and heart.  Fall in Juneau is always a beautiful, special time.  Foggy memories of rosy noses and the frost line dropping down from the mountains make me sigh with nostalgia.  And so I button the top button, and take a deep breath and slowly exhale, thinking about the life I've lived and the life yet to be discovered and explored.  I give thanks to being allowed to enjoy life on this little pebble known as Earth.  I try to learn from my mistakes, and not repeat them despite seeing them from a distance at times.  And as sure as the seasons will change, I, too, try to change with them for the better.  I hope to be a source of warmth and comfort to those in my life and around me as the chill of the night creeps just outside my door.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apple Day

Today is Audrey's birthday!  We traveled to an apple orchard in Indiana.  It was a very blissfully simple day.  The highlight for me, besides getting to take part in Audrey's big day, was having the chance to talk with my family, who called to wish a happy celebration to Audrey.

Here are some pictures from today, as well as a couple from the past few weeks!  

Audrey and Violet are getting their bikes ready for a trip around the block!

This picture really captures the essence of Violet.  She is wrapped in a blanket, watching a train off in the distance.  She has a fascination with trains, and will not go anywhere without a blanket nearby.  

Audrey is loving school.  Here she is with the word wall we made for her at home.  It will continue to grow as the school year progresses.  It will really help her develop her word skills.  

The rest of the pictures are from today and our trip to the apple orchard!  Enjoy.  Happy birthday kiddo!!!

Audrey and the pumpkins.  Notice the birthday crown!

Violet feeding goats.  

Violet down on the mini farm.  

Violet rocking the tractor!!!

Violet really wanted to drive the bus!  Even on the weekend she is still ready for school!

Violet and the pumpkins!

Violet rocking in a chair.  Photo by daddy.

Daddy rocking in a chair.  Photo by Violet.

Audrey munching on an apple while we strolled through the orchards picking apples.

Audrey, Daddy, and apple.

Violet and Nora on the Moo-Choo

Audrey, the birthday girl, on the Moo-Choo.

Happy Birthday Audrey

To my daughter, Audrey, on your sixth birthday....

You were just a bundle of smiles and laughter, and now you are a running, cheerful blur of activity!  You have so many people who love you, and I hope you will always remember this as you continue to grow.  You inspire me to be a better daddy, and a better person each and every day.  You love to give gifts and cards, and do nice things for other people.  You always want to help and I hope that this is something you will continue to do forever.  At six, you have discovered a love for drawing, reading, and movies.  You enjoy rice, chocolate-dipped granola bars, and water.  You love tickles, hate hamburgers, and I think your mind is still not made-up about guacamole.  You are the greatest gift I will ever have, and I will do my best to give you the tools and space to evolve and continue finding your passions in life.  I love you with my whole heart, and just want to wish you a happy, happy birthday.

Love Always,

Your Daddy

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Deep End

It has been a little while since the last post.  This is not for lack of action or happenings, quite the opposite.  Sometimes life just gets busy, and we get caught-up in it to the point where the little rituals and routines sometimes get lost in the shuffle and hustle of the day.

The routines of school for both myself and the girls has been a positive one overall.  Audrey is enjoying kindergarten very much, learning new math and reading skills daily.  Violet is transitioning well to her preschool setting, and I think she likes being in a new group of peers where she can experience new interactions and how to move socially throughout the day in a positive learning environment.

While I am quite happy with the way the new school year has started, it is still difficult to let go of summer.  The simplicity of it all has been replaced by the almost overwhelming list of needs of my students and school policy.  While I understand it is all in the best interest of the children, it feels like I am being pulled in ten different directions on an almost minute-to-minute basis when at work in terms of meetings, conferences, grading, etc.  It really is very exciting and my days are not dull, and I very much like my students, so I think I just need to wholly embrace this process and get back into the groove, myself!

Today was a lot of fun, as Kim and I both participated in different running events on the same course.  I ran the Chicago Half Marathon and she ran the 5k.  While waking-up at 4:30am is not anyone's idea of heaven on a Sunday, I had fun chatting in the car, enjoying a nice run along the lake shore, and savoring a victory meal at home with my family in celebration!

It was during my run today that I finally had a little time to just think about life and do some reflecting and also to project out into the future a little.  I want to be someone who is more action-based.  By this I mean I want to be a person who accomplishes things, not just talk about them.  We live for such a short time, and I am trying very hard to not take that for granted.  We have plans for the future, but sometimes life around us changes quickly and I am reminded that we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  I compared this to walking in a swimming pool, or on a beach, out into the water.  We can feel our bodies getting lighter, as we move into deeper and deeper water.  At some point, though, we lose contact with the floor beneath us, and we are truly out in the deep.  While we know what is below us, and where we are headed (for the most part), we never quite know when the bottom will drop out or how deep the depths below us truly are.

So, as we wade-out into this new sea of routine and happenings, I am mindful of the opportunities and adventures that pulse before us.  I am, however, aware of my depth and appreciative of the stability that lies below my feet each and every day.  While I am truly not afraid of what lies out there in the depths of life, I am in no hurry to see the bottom drop out and find myself unable to float in the deep end.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Goodbye Summer...

The girls are both back in school.  Audrey has had her first two days of kindergarten, and Violet is enjoying her new preschool.  Both of them will experience many new challenges and adventures, and we are all excited to continue to grow as a family even while we are apart during the day.

It is difficult to adjust in some ways to getting back to work.  While I am excited about another year teaching and working with students, it is tough to not be with my daughters every day.  I will very much enjoy the quiet and faster pace of school again, but it will be rough not having afternoon naps and sharing in laughter in the little things each day.

The last few days of this summer have been very sweet, with visits to family, riding bikes, and even a baseball game at Wrigley Field for me.  This summer has been one of simple pleasures and slowing things down.  No major traveling, but a few trips to Indiana, Michigan, and neighboring suburbs have kept us looking forward to the "next adventure".  Our mantra all summer has been "Relentless, Forward Motion.  ONWARD!"  And so it shall be as we continue to more forward, now on our own paths.

Audrey and Violet at the new children's nature park at Indian Boundary Park in Chicago.

Indian Boundary Park:  Uncle Fred and Uncle Stuart with the girls.

Audrey crossing the bridge at Indian Boundary Park

Violet in a play house, originally designed for swans! 
The Orelove Express:  Violet, Audrey, and Uncle Stuart.

Uncle Fred and the girls enjoying some time at the park.

Cubs game early evening.

The night engulfs us, and the lights are on.  Cubs win!

Audrey getting on the bus for her first day of school.  Goodbye summer, hello academia!