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Sunday, March 23, 2014


The sun is out, and the remaining patches of ice and dirty snow act as stubborn reminder of the winter that will not release us from its clutches.  We look out the window each morning, hopeful that the wind will not bite at our faces when we open the door to begin another day.  Slowly, the temperature is learning to find its way above freezing and we find comfort in knowing spring is truly at the doorstep.

Our little family has been more active in the last few weeks due to these temperature increases.  Dog walks around the block, pulling the girls in the wagon, are a new item on the activity menu.  There are more opportunities to go out and play, and we have also had a birthday or two to celebrate of friends and family, so this gives the girls more opportunities to move and see people and enjoy getting out more.

This almost reanimation of activity after a long winter makes me think about other animals and things in nature that begin to renew their lives when the sun shines longer and the mercury rises.  This renewal is important.  There are some moments when I don't feel like returning to full movement, and would rather remain frozen in a state of sleep or buried under the blankets on a brisk, dark morning.

So here we are, a quiet Sunday morning, enjoying a little time on the couch before the temperature warms and we start to move outside for a bit of play.  I hope that I can continue to move and awaken into life outside of our house walls.
Audrey with her cupcake from the grocery store.

Audrey showing-off her fantastic fresh fruit salad.

The girls check out the fish tanks at the store.

Audrey and Violet take turns riding Sandy, the mechanical horse at the store.

Violet with her cupcake she helped make.

Audrey and her homemade cupcake.

Violet holding a 1998 1st place Gold panning trophy won by my father at the state gold panning competition.

The girls watch Frozen for the millionth time.  Shhhhhh, they're getting along.

Audrey makes birthday cookies for the Corcoran Family.

The girls at Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party for our neighbor!  Violet was very excited.

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