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Monday, December 28, 2015

End of the Year

Today has been a very grey, icy, rainy, cold day.  Today was the kind of day where pulling the blankets up over my head was clearly the best decision.  A lot of the day has been spent quietly listening to the ice and rain tap on the roof relentlessly and hear the wind howl through the trees out back.  While I did brave the elements twice to get some groceries and then again later to mail some letters, that time was hurried and I spent every second outside of my home thinking about returning to my warm layers of blankets and new slippers.

We have spent the last few days in Indiana, celebrating the holiday season with family.  This time of year is overwhelming at times for me because there is just so much to be grateful for.  While the packages and presents and gifts were piled high for everyone, I did my best to sit quietly and reflect on the year and give thanks for all that my family and I have been given and accomplished.

At this time last year, I was on my winter break as a fifth grade teacher. Now I am on my winter break as a first-year assistant principal.  My new position, thus far, has been one of learning and excitement.  I am very glad I took this opportunity, and look forward to continuing my role as an administrator in 2016.  I do miss my colleagues very much from my old school, and there are elements of teaching that pull at my heartstrings...but overall I am very satisfied and grateful for the change in career path.

At this time last year, I had completed my one and only half marathon.  My training had slacked and I lacked motivation and inspiration.  I now find myself back in my running gear, covering more mileage each week.  On January 1st, I will have registered for five different half marathons, including two in Wisconsin, two in Illinois, and one in Indiana.  I will put my name in for the New York Marathon, and will consider the Chicago Marathon again as an alternative.  Whether or not I can get my training back to full marathon level remains to be seen, but it is something I have thought a lot about these past couple months.  I have seen some of the weight return that I had shed during my marathon training.  While I was a bit more tired and sore during those days, I believe I was also happier.  I think making a push to return to marathon fitness will be a good challenge this year for me.  If I give my full effort and do not succeed, then I believe I will still find satisfaction and reward in my failure.

At this time last year, our family was finishing the holiday season in our townhouse.  Now we are enjoying a new home and still unpacking and learning how to live in the larger space.  We love our new home and look forward to many years here, making memories and being a family under this roof.

At this time last year, our girls were six and three years old.  They have grown tremendously and are my pride and joy.  While life is never perfect in parenthood, my daughters are the bedrock of who I am.  They challenge me every day to be a better person, communicate clearly, and seek out the fun in life.  Audrey is moving quickly through her academics, and is a wonderful reader and has developed quite the sense of humor.  Violet is my Little Warrior and brings her own brand of humor and enthusiasm everywhere she goes.  They love each other so much, and Audrey is a good big sister.  I can also see that they both have loving hearts and compassion in their actions, which makes me feel a sense of accomplishment as a parent.  I truly feel that our only job as parents is to protect our children and provide them with opportunities to experience life.  They are amazing young people.

Now I turn from looking back on 2015 and focus on the year ahead.  What goals do I have?  What things will we accomplish as a family?  Individually?  I anticipate a year of continued learning.  The girls will continue to become avid readers and explore sports and performing arts.  I will continue learning how to be an impactful administrator and how to help the students and teachers within my schools.  We will explore our surroundings as a family, find new adventures and continue with our traditions.

The sun has set, and the night has grown silent.  The rain has stopped, and the waters freeze as the darkness envelops us all.  The possibilities of the new year are seemingly endless, and the actions of our past have only one outcome.  I take a deep breath and give thanks for all that has been given to me and my family.  I exhale and contemplate what a wonder life is and how fortunate a thing it is to be alive.  The universe is a grand, mostly unknown place.  I sit here trying to build what I believe to be the most important elements of living during this brief window of time I have been given.  It is all so wonderful.  It is all so exhilarating.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter Break

Violet with a snowflake ornament gift.  

There is a wonderful time of year for both students and those that work in education:  Winter Break.  This is a great time of year because it allows us to all step-back and enjoy some time to ourselves and our interests outside of learning and studying.  The last few days at work have been intense, and everyone was feeling the pressure of the holidays fast approaching.  The last week has been one of gift purchasing, letter mailing, and holiday music blasting.

Audrey with a gingerbread house.

Tonight, the girls are running around playing, the fire is warming me, a football game plays in the background, and a pizza bakes in the oven.  Yesterday was not as cozy, as Audrey battled a stomach flu of some kind for 24 hours.  All is well now, though, as we embrace Sunday night and look forward to a full week of break.  A trip to the zoo, a viewing of Star Wars, gift wrapping, house cleaning, and naps await us.

Me and my little Buddy on the last day before break!

I am making an effort to really take a step away from the computer and social media, although this blog is obviously an exception tonight.  There has been such an influx of negative media and events in the world that I feel sick every time I look at Facebook or the news.  I need time to focus on the things I am grateful for and do the things that make parts of my life stronger and happier.

Audrey napping on the floor, battling a stomach flu.  Yuk.  Poor kiddo.

I think a lot about my family near and far during this time of year, and wish they were closer.  I am grateful for all of their love and support, and hope that we can visit them soon.  For now, however, I take comfort in knowing that they are where they want to be, and are happy in life.


This is a picture that I took walking out of work for Winter Break.  I found it beautiful.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Last Candle

Violet "lighting" the electric menorah on the first night of Hanukkah.  My grandfather made that menorah and it has been handed down through my father and me.  Now the next generation gets a chance.
Audrey and Violet wearing their "menorah goggles"

Because Hanukkah is so bright!

Daddy and Daughter hanging on the couch.


Tree, fire, slippers, coffee, weekend....I'm pretty much set here.

A girl and her cat.  Coloring beneath the tree.

Latkes for the last night of Hanukkah!

Apple sauce and sour cream.  YUM!

Sisters celebrate the final lighting of the candles this year.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lazy Sunday Pictures

Our new Christmas tree us set-up in the family room.  Many of the ornaments are from our trips to Virginia, and bring me warmth and smiles as the weather chills outside. 
OK, we will need more lights for the tree outside next year, but I still find our little tree a nice addition to the evening.

Our electric menorah was made by my grandfather, and has been passed down the Orelove line!  I love lighting it every year.  It reminds me of my own childhood and my father letting me turn the lights on Hanukkah.

This is my ornament selection from Virginia this year.  Dia de los Muertos style.  A beautiful reminder of life.

Violet was so happy to get a birthday package from Attle in Alaska!  Feathers, a card, and a book light!  She reads with it every night!

Violet snuggles up in the dog bed.  She is still so cute, though.

A family selfie on our new bed!  

Violet sings this weekend at her Holiday Recital.  She did a great job and I love her so much.

Granny visited this weekend to make cookies and enjoy the new holiday set-up in front of the fire! 

Audrey wins the Cup!  Really, we went to a skating birthday party today.  We had a lot of fun!

Audrey and Frosty.

I have the cutest date in the rink holding my hand.

Audrey and Daddy in the penalty box.

A size 12 skate.  I'm a size 13.  

Sunday, November 29, 2015


The sun has set and the final hours before bed on this Thanksgiving weekend are all that stand between us and the return to daily life as we are accustomed.  We have made our pilgrimage to Virginia and back for yet another year, and again I am reminded of how special this holiday is.

While words cannot do it justice, I have included some pictures of our brief time with our family.  It was just a few days, but those memories are the ones that I will hold near as winter wraps its icy embrace around us.  The arm air and sunny days allowed us to play, laugh, and explore.  We held true to our traditions, and added a few new items to our docket, as well.  The food was second-to-none, and Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene were the hosts of hosts, as usual.  

Same, Emma, and I ran in the Richmond Turkey Trot 10k, and I could not be more proud of my cousins for training and nailing the run on a perfect Thanksgiving morning.  To add to the excitement, Audrey and Violet also ran in the Drumstick Dash, and I think more runs will be in their future!  

Thanksgiving dinner was tremendous, and the company around the table could not be surpassed.  I took a lot of opportunities to sit still and just look around and enjoy life and appreciate the small moments.  Seeing my children laugh and play, listening as my wife held discussions, discussing life with my cousins, and getting to hug my sister.  All of these things poured into my heart during our short time in Virginia.  

The ride home was long, but nice.  Waking-up in our own beds was a great way to start our Sunday.  All around us, neighbors put up Christmas lights and decorations, but I am hesitant to follow suit, as I try to hold-on to Thanksgiving as long as possible.  


Full tank of gas, ready for the long haul to Virginia!

We stopped somewhere in Ohio and spent the night.  Here is our car the next morning before making the second leg of the trip!

Made it to Virginia.  I turn around, and Violet has taped cousin Emma's mouth shut!  Who  brought these kids?!?!  :-)

Audrey in fluff.  Aunt Irene introduced the girls to sewing this year.

Aunt Eden!  

Aunt Eden and her two nieces.

Turkey Trotters 2015!  I am so proud of my family.

Post-Run celebration at Starbucks!

Daddy and Audrey show-off our Turkey Trot bling.  I actually ordered these since they didn't give medals at the run.  Seriously, who does that!?!

Playing Bags in the yard:  Sam, Emma, Uncle Stuart, Uncle Fred.

Audrey collecting rocks.

Audrey and Violet in Richmond.

Uncle Stuart and Uncle Fred:  Bags competitors!  

Thanksgiving family selfie!

It isn't Thanksgiving until the cranberry boats!

OK, it REALLY isn't Thanksgiving until the pumpkin custards!


Violet helps decorate!

This makes me so happy.

Audrey is getting her daddy's feet!  Little Bigfoot!

Snuggling on the couch post-Thanksgiving dinner.

Sam and Audrey snooze!  

Audrey and Emma at the ARC Park!

Aunt Sheila and Violet!

Sam and Aunt Irene.

Sam, Abel, and Aunt Irene.

Violet climbing!

Audrey and Sheila.

A beautiful flower on our way to Cary Town.

Audrey reads to Uncle Fred.
Playing in the yard with cousin Sam.  This was the last picture we took before hitting the road back hom.