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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Pictures from my Phone

Audrey and her best buddy, Jac at Airtastic.  

Audrey gets a "new" movie during the holidays.  Her Zayde would approve!

Audrey now reads to Violet at bedtime some nights.  They both get to stay-up later, so they are very much in favor of this becoming a nightly event.  

(From left) Lucy, Norah, Katherine, and Audrey.  New Year party!!!

2015 Crazy Girls!

Expanding:  We bought Audrey another bookshelf due to her expanding library.  She spent a good two hours reorganizing and shelving her books and her plastic miniature animals.  While it doesn't look it, that is a true expression of pride on her face in this picture.  And yes, she has read all of these books!!!

Audrey about to shoot me with a rubber band pistol from Attle up in Haines, Alaska.  Thanks mom!

Violet after having her makeup and nails done by Audrey.  She was so happy after getting to "do makeup" with her big sister.  Needless to say, bathtime was added to the evening's agenda.

Violet sitting on the couch with the IPad.  She was sick last week, and I took this picture when she wasn't looking.  We spent the morning just reading and watching shows.  While I don't always like a screen infront of my kids, this wa sa nice way to spend a quiet sick morning.  

The girls try-out spinning chairs at IKEA.  It is always fun to go an see new things and get some ideas about organization.  Plus, it was just nice to get out on a cold weekend day.

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