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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Little Winter Things

It is winter, and we are tucked under our layers of blankets, peeking out from time to time, waiting for the sunlight to break-through the clouds or for motivation to spring us from our padded depths.  While we look for motivation in life, sometimes it is the small errand that gets us out the door.  Things like haircuts, a visit to the zoo, and a eating at the restaurant are all small things that let us get some fresh air, move our bones, and do something different during our winter days.  

Audrey getting her hair cut by the fabulous Mr. Stella!

Fresh hair cut.

Audrey after assembling her newest Lego dragon!  Thanks Zayde!

Audrey and Phoebe snuggled on the couch.  Sometimes the bet times are under blankets and pillows.

Violet and I visited Uncle Stuart in Chicago and we walked around Lincoln Park Zoo.  It was a perfect warm winter day for such a tour, and we virtually had the zoo to ourselves.  In this picture, Violet is pointing out fish to Uncle Stuart.

No visit to the zoo is complete without a photo-opp on the Pygmy Hippos! 

Chicago on a beautiful, cold, sunny day.

Uncle Stuart and Violet.

Violet is a crazy bean!

Checking-out the cows at the petting zoo area.

Down on the farm with Uncle Stuart!

Checking-out the tractor in the farming display at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Farmer Violet!  

I took the girls to Chipotle one evening and we ate there.  Audrey really wanted to eat in the restaurant rather than take the food home.  She enjoyed watching all the other people eat.  Violet loved running to and from the trash bins throwing each napkin away individually. 

Audrey holding a button with Aunt Eden as a little girl on it!  This button was from the 1995 Time Capsule from Uncle Michael.  So many memories!!!

Violet and the Eden button!

Audrey sporting a fabric screen of the 1994 Alaska Folk Festival.  I miss those days in Juneau sometimes.

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