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Sunday, January 25, 2015


35 years.

That’s how old I am as of yesterday.  What a strange age.  I spoke with my mother yesterday, and she mentioned that 35 was how old my father was when I entered this world.  That alone gave me reason to pause and reflect before beginning my 36th trip around the sun.  What does age mean?  Does age equate to wisdom?  I don’t think so, because I have met many adults who seem to have absolutely no outlook on life.  I have also met many children who are a lot smarter and wiser than myself.  So, no:  age does not have any bearing on wisdom or intelligence. 

What age does mean is time on Earth.  For me, time also means experiences.  While I know there are many people out there with very little experience who are my same age, I feel that the last 35 years has provided many learning opportunities and chances to expand my mind and learn a little along the way.  I am at an age that is the midpoint between 20 and 50 years.  As my friend remarked:  we are not children but not elders.  We are in a gray area where we now know better, but may still choose the path most traveled. 

So what have I learned?  What nuggets of perspective and understanding can I state with confidence?  As I push forward, what things do I carry with me from my past?  Here are a few of the highlights in this experience called life that I have clung to over the past 35 years:

-Friends and family are the most important.  Period.  I have been very close to my family and friends, and I have also moved away to the Midwest and caused some separation and drifting.  Feeling separated from family and those who know you the best is not a good way to go through life.  When I have stumbled in life, it has always been my family and friends who catch me or help me pick up the pieces.  As IT MOVE FORWARD IN LIFE< I understand that having these people around me is an essential component to my success. 

-Always strive to learn.  Education does not mean sitting in a classroom or practicing math facts…although those are two great things.  Learning means taking your experiences and examining the good and the bad and remember them as your continue life.  There are times in college when I didn’t learn from experience with negative people, and my life was hindered until I finally realized specific things were holding me back.  Examining data and challenging aspects of work will give me an improved outlook and a better ability to problem-spot as I continue to grow as an educator.  As a runner and basketball player, remembering what works and doesn’t work for my body is critical if I want to improve my fitness and make gains in my health.

Speaking of health…

-Take care of your body.  I have been very overweight, and am still a few pounds over where I should be…but I know what I have to do to maintain a healthy life style.  Exercise is so important, and it will always be a piece of my day.  Being healthy means moving my body, challenging my mind and muscles, and eating food that is nutritious and helps me achieve my goals.  I will still enjoy pizza or ice cream from time-to-time, but my diet will not consist of those things on any kind of regular basis.  I am also starting to see my physical ability plateau, and my metabolism slow a little, so continued motion and healthier food are two things that must be part of my future.

-Find your passions.  While I am always looking for new hobbies or interests, I also devote time for my passions in life.  My greatest passion is parenthood.  Devoting my life to my children is important for me.  My daughters give my life meaning and purpose.  Other passions include running, reading, movies, and teaching.  Taking time to fuel my passions in life give me direction and a sense of accomplishment.  There will never be an end to any of these things, so my pursuit of my passions will always motivate me to be a better person, try a little harder, and set bigger goals for myself.  Passion is what drives us.  When you are not passionate about something, then it will weigh you down and take away from the satisfaction of living life.

So there are a few things that weigh on my mind as I enjoy the first day in my 36th year of life.  I am sure I will look back at this and sigh and smile and my naive outlook on life, but right now these are the greatest truths I can describe.  I am thankful for everyone in my life, and everything that has happened to me.  I am excited to see what the next day brings, and interact with all of the people I meet.  I look forward to learning through doing, and examining my mistakes so I don’t make them again.  I cannot wait to celebrate success with my friends and family.  Whether good or bad, life’s experiences have shaped and impacted my world and made me who I am today.  As I step forward, I remember all of the other steps in life that have brought me to this exact point.


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