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Monday, March 28, 2016


A panoramic picture of our park.  Phones are getting fancy!

Swinging in the sun!

It is seven o'clock in the morning exactly as I being to type.  Spring Break us upon us, and the day awaits..fresh with possibilities.  Mostly there will be cleaning and playing today, as my mother visits tomorrow for a few days. I am excited to show-off the new house and to just have time for her to play with her granddaughters.

I bought this plug-n-play Pac Man game at the store.  Best impulse purchase in a while.  We have spent a few hours playing as a family.  Everyone has their favorite games.

This morning, though, I started the day with a nice workout at the gym.  It has been a good change in life-style these past five weeks, meeting my friend at the gym and getting a good work-out in before the rest of the day tumbles down upon us.  Too many evenings have I gotten home and finally admitted defeat and skipped running because I was just burned-out from life and kids and work.  So the mornings, while not always easy to get-up initially, have really proven wonderful and motivational!  There is something about working hard before the sun rises that gets me fired-up!  While I won't be on any posters next for a Mr. Universe contest, I am feeling much healthier, stronger, and more confident.  I have also noticed more competence in my running, and a stronger core to carry my legs throughout the run.  I am hopeful that these work-outs will be a major positive factor in the New York Marathon at the end of the year!  One day at a time, though, right?

The girls are learning how to call "I got next!" and other gamer etiquette.

Once cup of coffee down and the sun is now above the horizon.  Birds chirp outside, pulling the interest of the cat enough to rouse her from sleep and move lazily to the window and imagine what if class had not been invented.  The dog, however, is still refusing to move from her bed and continues to snooze with the girls.

Even mommy got-in on the gaming action!
The morning is my favorite time of day because it is still open.  A fresh page.  It is very rewarding to look back on a filled day, with many accomplishments.  However, the morning is where I like to imagine the possibilities and work on building my future.  Also, coffee is wonderful.  So now it is time to get moving and work on getting this house cleaned before my mom arrives tomorrow.  Or maybe a second cup of coffee is in order while I read through one more chapter of this book about the New York Marathon?  Decisions, decisions, decisions.


Always excited to get a running package of body glide, shorts, and underwear!  Half marathon soon!!!

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