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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring has Sprung

Spencer Holtz.  The newest cousin!

This weekend we returned to South Bend and enjoyed a couple days of Grandma's hospitality!  Dixie played non-stop with the girls while Ann grilled-up a storm!  It was nice to see our newest cousin, Spencer.  Many naps were had!

Grandma Flesher and Violet.  What a team!

Now we are home and Monday is beginning to fade into the night.  The fire in the fireplace is purring almost as loud as the old cat sitting next to it.  Our spaghetti dinner is a nice memory of an hour ago, and bedtime stories are our immediate future.

Kim, Spencer, and Audrey with her toothless gap!

There are only a few days until spring break, and we are all looking forward to taking a few days to rest and play and have some fun and just be a family.  While Kim is still working, it is an entirely different household when I am off of work and the girls are with me all day.  We usually find a few adventures, and I am happy to have warmer days (hopefully) where we can just go outside and get our ya-yas out!

Violet.  She likes to party.

The spring around here has sprung and the weather outside is glorious.  As spring break unfolds out in front of us, the birds have started chirping again and the possibilities outside seem limitless.  For now, the runs outside are an awesome treat and I am looking forward to several upcoming half marathons and the ultimate build-up to the New York Marathon at the end of this year.  Let us enjoy the day that is given to us, however:  today.

Cousins:  Audrey and Spencer.

Cousins: Violet, Audrey, and Penny.  

Cousins:  Audrey and Penny.

I recently impulse purchased a plug-n-play Pac Man game.  I am enjoying introducing it to my kids.  It is important to know history!

Audrey interrupts nap time with Daddy and Spencer.

Spencer snoozing with Audrey.

Audrey during the egg hunt.

Violet during the egg hunt.

Maija waiting for a treat.

Two tired kiddos on the way back from Indiana.

This large hawk was just perched at the top of this tree when I pulled into a parking lot.  It just is amazing to me what nature can do.

Violet outside attempting to jump rope!

Violet rocking the hood and building the tower during the car oil change!

These two could watch car washes all day.

Just one more dad?  Violet hast to pick two books as her reward from the bookstore.  Look at those puppy eyes!

Walking the dog.  Audrey and Phoebe.

Daddy and Violet on a bike ride to start spring break!

Swinging in the sun!  Violet.

Laser Tag Kids!  Today we attended a birthday party at a laser tag place.  Audrey and Violet have never been to one, but they LOVED it!  

Laser Ladies!

Audrey right before she zapped me.

Violet:  aka Tiny Terminator.

The laser tag guy had a pretty sweet collection of Star Wars toys and gear!

Right before we entered and their lives were changed forever!

Not shocked that this was her favorite game!

Dog in the sun.  Phoebe loves laying out on the grass in a warm sun spot!

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