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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Time Flew

Violet.  I love this girl.
I was standing in the kitchen, looking at Audrey eat her dinner, thinking to myself how fast she has grown-up.  I know there are moments throughout the day and year where I just pause and try to really take-in my surroundings.  It is important to stop and just be amazed at life sometimes.  We are so lucky, and so fortunate to be in good health and such.  It still humbles me to think about all that Kim and I have gone through to make this part of our lives possible.  To be standing in my own kitchen sipping coffee....I never would have thought would be so absolutely satisfying.  But today it really was.

Back seat drivers.

Time has really been flying as of late.  I feel like the idea of spring was just starting to creep into my mind, and yet we spent all weekend playing outside with house guests and neighbors.  This Sunday has been a dreary, gray one, where rain has been constant and the robins are sounding-off from every tree!  The last bit of snow seems to have just melted yet I am sitting here beginning to really think about Spring Break and beyond with my family and work.  Yes, we are scooting along with life.

Audrey getting her teeth cleaned...NO CAVITIES! 

Healthy teeth!
Trips to Indiana are in the near future, and also a visit from my mom later this month!  It will be a treat to have her see our new house for the first time!  Last week my name was selected from the lottery for the New York City Marathon!  So now we are starting to plan a trip to the Big Apple in November.  This is something that has been on my bucket list for a while, and the training will be difficult, yet very rewarding.  I look forward to building-up my mileage over the remainder of the year and doing my best to reach my physical peak for this once-in-a-lifetime event.  I have never been to New York, so I look forward to being completely overwhelmed and just enjoying the entire experience.

Audrey and her most recent tooth lost!
For now, though, the bright lights of the city are too far off in the distance to seem real.  The soft glow of the setting sun somewhere off behind the blanket of gray clouds is all that I see out my window.  A few more robins call and the wind gently pushes through the birch trees.  I take another deep breath and try to stay in the moment...being grateful for my family and our health and all of the special people and opportunities in our lives.  Thoughts of tomorrow's adventures and responsibilities are beginning to nibble at the back of my mind, but they are still distant for now.


If this doesn't sum-up Violet, I don't know what does!

Daddy and Violet eating at our favorite pizza place!

Audrey munching and doing her homework at our pizza joint.

Violet and her class mascot that she got to bring home for a week!  Lionel the Lion.

The girls and pizza night!

Violet, Lionel, and Eliza at breakfast in the kitchen.

We are starting to visit the park again, although a jacket is still necessary.  It is nice to be outside again!

Mommy gets this little storm trooper ready for bed after shower!

The force is strong with this one, but her tangled hair is stronger I think!

Audrey borrows daddy's Bar Mitzvah shirt before putting her tooth under her pillow.  This time she got a Subway gift card from the tooth fairy!

Violet rocking her little security blanket while she plays with the Play-dough.

Violet attempting to climb the backyard birch on a nice spring Saturday.  

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