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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Up-in-the-air Sunday

Audrey on her first day of 2nd grade!  Where does the time go?

It is a gray, sleepy Sunday morning with a slice of chilly air flowing around outside.  It is still trying to decide what kind of a day it wants to be.  That is how I feel:  What do I want to be today?  What do I want to accomplish?  It is such a balance at times, trying to make sure that all parts of my life are addressed and needs are met.  Lately work has been all-consuming...which is necessary in terms of getting the year started on the right foot.  I understand that beginning a school year is one of the intense times.  Today will include more time dedicated to planning and scheduling and timelines, which is something I need to improve upon.  I am very good at completing a task in the moment, but my planning and preparation and vision are things that need improvement as I move into this second year of administration.

Cousin Gail visited this weekend.  The girls got some cook Wizard World gear!

This morning, however, I sit with some coffee and the men's Olympic marathon on my computer.  It is amazing to see their dedication finally being displayed in the form of the marathon.  It inspires me for my own New York Marathon in a couple months.  The running has been going well, although I need to improve my diet...which will begin strictly this week as we near September.  My new shoes sit by the door and my GPS watch is charged.  Perhaps after my coffee I will consider my long run for the week.

Later, as the rest of the family wakes-up, breakfast and possibly a trip to the book store awaits us.  Laundry and a bike ride would be fantastic to accomplish today, as well.  Now that school is back in session, a bedtime must be observed and our little family moves back into a routine.  This morning, however, still allows me to sit and sip and contemplate all the possibilities before they are a reality.  There is something satisfying about taking time to imagine the possibilities before taking-on the responsibility of making them a reality.

Dinner with Cousin Gail!  Our traditional trip to Texas Roadhouse!

Nothing too spectacular or exciting for our family this week or today, in specific.  I hear the rumblings of my girls upstairs as they begin to stir and search for some comfy clothes before coming downstairs to snuggle on the couch.  Perhaps we will watch the marathon for a while before letting them make the decisions about how our day will be spent.  What is already predetermined is that we will spend today together and share some laughs and happiness and calm.  Again, I savor these moments where the possibilities are laid out before us rather than assigned.  Who knows what today holds for us?
Triple Chocolate Chip cookies.  Yum!

Phoebe napping in a sunbeam.  She is the best dog.

Every morning, I let the dog out and leave the door open for when she wants to return.  Every morning, the cat wanders over to the door and guards it, blocking Phoebe from returning  back into the house.  I have to scoot the cat over and the dog reenters.  We have such funny little routines in our lives.  Such goofy pets.  

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