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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Tuesday Musings

The night is upon us here in our little home.  The kids are asleep, and we are sitting on the couch watching a movie and zoning out for the night.  It has been a peaceful period of time since the last post.  More laughter and smiles and goofing around with the kids, looking for small adventures and enjoying the simple things in life, as the following pictures will hopefully demonstrate.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Before We Wake

It is a beautiful Monday morning.  I have had a great breakfast and gotten a few chores done already before the family has woken from their weekend slumber.  I have been savoring this summer break, and continue to plan and look for the adventures each day with my children.

This weekend was a nice break in South Bend, enjoying time with grandma and family.  Father's day was simple and sweet.  I managed to get a couple runs in with Sam as my co-pilot in the jogger.  We even managed a 7 mile long run, which is the longest since November, so it felt nice to accomplish that and actually feel that I am making some gains back after such a slump.

This morning I awoke and headed to the YMCA for a reward sauna and was then inspired to make a big breakfast of coffee, eggs, bacon, steak, and English muffins!  I am now attempting to work and type quietly in order to let the kids sleep as long as possible before we begin the day!  Definitely a trip to the park, maybe a bike ride?  We are taking it slightly easy as July holds a lot in terms of visitors and activity, plus I will start transitioning back to my classroom and begin preparation for that part of my life.

But today is for the moment, and I think I hear the rumblings of some little kiddos.  Time to get out there and find the adventure!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Summer Snapshots

Sam in clean form.
Violet likes to help give Sam a bath.
We got out last night to the field to fly a kite and play ball!  
Audrey and her owl kite.
Audrey got a new bike!
Dad and Sam after a hot run!
One of my best friends of all time visited this weekend.  It was awesome to hang with Amy!
Sam and Staypuft Marshm
Violet getting ready to run!
Morning Smiles!
Clouds rolling in.
Wife, fire, house.  Caveman happy.
Audrey helping Violet with her summer workbook.
Sam is a napper.  Sometimes.
Girls throwing rocks at "the rock throwing spot" at Renwick Bird Preserve.
Daddy running with Sam in jogger, both girls biking ahead.
We like turtles!
Sam and Staypuft.
Sam and Slimer.
Dad and Sam.
Our Alaska guestroom.
Sam and big sister, Audrey, snuggling.
Violet at the Zoo!
Carousel Selfie.  Sam's face cracks me up.
Violet on carousel.
Dad joke.
At the zoo with the Bui's!
Not now, dinosaur, I'm sleeping.
Sam meets Goat.