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Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Before We Wake

It is a beautiful Monday morning.  I have had a great breakfast and gotten a few chores done already before the family has woken from their weekend slumber.  I have been savoring this summer break, and continue to plan and look for the adventures each day with my children.

This weekend was a nice break in South Bend, enjoying time with grandma and family.  Father's day was simple and sweet.  I managed to get a couple runs in with Sam as my co-pilot in the jogger.  We even managed a 7 mile long run, which is the longest since November, so it felt nice to accomplish that and actually feel that I am making some gains back after such a slump.

This morning I awoke and headed to the YMCA for a reward sauna and was then inspired to make a big breakfast of coffee, eggs, bacon, steak, and English muffins!  I am now attempting to work and type quietly in order to let the kids sleep as long as possible before we begin the day!  Definitely a trip to the park, maybe a bike ride?  We are taking it slightly easy as July holds a lot in terms of visitors and activity, plus I will start transitioning back to my classroom and begin preparation for that part of my life.

But today is for the moment, and I think I hear the rumblings of some little kiddos.  Time to get out there and find the adventure!

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