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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Summer Snapshots

Sam in clean form.
Violet likes to help give Sam a bath.
We got out last night to the field to fly a kite and play ball!  
Audrey and her owl kite.
Audrey got a new bike!
Dad and Sam after a hot run!
One of my best friends of all time visited this weekend.  It was awesome to hang with Amy!
Sam and Staypuft Marshm
Violet getting ready to run!
Morning Smiles!
Clouds rolling in.
Wife, fire, house.  Caveman happy.
Audrey helping Violet with her summer workbook.
Sam is a napper.  Sometimes.
Girls throwing rocks at "the rock throwing spot" at Renwick Bird Preserve.
Daddy running with Sam in jogger, both girls biking ahead.
We like turtles!
Sam and Staypuft.
Sam and Slimer.
Dad and Sam.
Our Alaska guestroom.
Sam and big sister, Audrey, snuggling.
Violet at the Zoo!
Carousel Selfie.  Sam's face cracks me up.
Violet on carousel.
Dad joke.
At the zoo with the Bui's!
Not now, dinosaur, I'm sleeping.
Sam meets Goat.

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