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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Almost Summer

Sam and his narwhal.  
It is 85 degrees outside and I just got back from a 4 mile walk with Sam in the jogger.  It is a quiet Sunday morning and there are just a few yard warriors out getting some work done before the heat of the day truly sets in.  I left my phone and headphones on my desk.  It felt good to just walk, with no electronic strings tugging at me, and I made a mental note to try to do this more often once I begin my own summer break.

Sam looking up.

Speaking of which, I will officially begin my summer on Tuesday.  One more day of being an assistant principal, and then I begin my transition back to the classroom.  These past couple weeks have been difficult in terms of saying goodbye to so many people who I have gotten to know and respect during these last two years of administration.  Soon I will begin to visit my new/old school and get my classroom set-up and study the curriculum.  I am eager to begin this process, and will enjoy my time learning new things and preparing for my students again.

I am adding movie posters to my basement.  One of my favorite things about going to the movies is seeing the posters as I walk to my movie.  Now I can see my favorite movie posters on the way to my home theater.  

For now, however, I am focused on ending my year, getting my house cleaned up, and enjoying the start of summer.  Zoo trips and visiting friends and some family are all in the near well as concerts and a lot of fire pits and movies!  While there is nothing major in terms of travel this summer, I think there will be plenty to keep us busy and satisfied while still allowing for some down time...and maybe even some naps!

Sideways view of a fire pit on a Friday night!  We like our fires.  The patio furniture is now out, so life is good!

A good book next to a fire.  Audrey is content.

Violet enjoying a marshmallow at Granny's house.  

The time is near for another transition in life and we continue to grow and be happy as a little family unit.  We still miss Phoebe, but the girls have been asking about the possibility of getting a new dog....I doubt this will happen soon...but it is definitely in the back of my mind.

So off we go.  One more day of work for me, then it is off into the blissful state of summer.  Running, training, kids, and laughter are all on the docket.  We are looking forward to seeing my good friend, Amy, next week as she participates in another amazing obstacle run...I have lost track of which one she does so many now.  And our Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene will also be visiting Chicago in early July, as will my sister, Eden!  So much to prepare and look forward to!

For is a quiet Sunday.

Sam napping hard in Indiana.

My kiddos.  I love them.

Violet taking batting practice in the backyard with the new pitching machine!

Audrey and a toad in Indiana.  

Friday fire put and root beer.  Life is good!

Sam and Violet.  Big sister stuff!

Feeding my kiddo on a Saturday morning.

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