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Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Catchup

Zayde has been here for a week.  I am glad he has time to watch his grandkids.  It has been a very busy first full week of school, and I am excited to get back into my the classroom and start pushing my students.  

The weather is changing and I can feel the early fingers of the fall winds trace the back of my neck at times.   The last couple weeks has been a blur of teaching, running, and daily life with my family.  I try to stop for a moment and take a mental snapshot of the girls and Sam as they are.  I try to remind myself they change daily, and it is so sweet and sad all at the same time to watch them grow and evolve from minute-to-minute.  

Sam on a morning walk, enjoying the quiet pond.  

The sun rising this morning on our walk. 

Dads friend, Dave, visiting and playing with the girls.  

Dad and Dave. 

Dave trying out the back slide out back.

A 14 miler this weekend.  Not too fast but got it done.  

Reading to Violet

Violet earned her yellow belt!  We are so proud!

Dads friend, Jim, visited on his way through to New Mexico.  

Dad meeting the grandkids on his first full day.

Half Madness Half Marathon in Batavia.  Fun little run!

The kids enjoyed playing in Batavia after bib pick up the day before!

Sam can be a mess when he eats.   Love this kid!

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