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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

All Over

It has been a little bit since my last post.  Things have been clipping along as we transition into fall.  However, the weather would argue otherwise!  It has been in the 90's for the last week!  We have been held hostage inside most of the afternoons as a little working family, but we enjoyed some cool winds tonight as the sun set during our evening stroll around the neighborhood.

I was in Alaska for the Equinox Marathon relay in Fairbanks a couple weeks ago.  I cannot really express how wonderful it was to be surrounded by friends that I have known most of my life.  Fairbanks was beautiful and sunny the entire weekend, and the run was a lot of fun...although it was very humbling, as well.  My leg of the relay took me up about 2,500 feet of elevation gain.  I was definitely not trained for the elevation!  What was more important, though, was the brief time to reconnect and give a lot of hugs and share in a lot of laughter.

Our family continues to love and laugh and celebrate life.  Audrey is now 9 and we are preparing for a celebration this weekend with family and friends.  Violet continues to learn to read and attends Tae Kwondo twice a week.  Sam...has begun crawling!  Nothing is safe!

The middle of the week is here, and I am looking forward to a busy weekend with family and friends visiting from Indiana and Chicago for Audrey and Kim's birthday weekend continued!  Friday, though, I have been waiting to listen to Stephen King and his son speak at a book tour.  As a long-time reader of King, I am very much looking forward to getting to see him in person and listening to what he has to say.

So that is it.  More to come, adventure in the wind.

Audrey and Violet made Sam his own box spaceship.
Balloon Birthday Girl.
Audrey and Sam.  
X-Wing fighter pilot Violet.
Helping rake leaves!
My Alaska crew celebrating our time together!
Me with Louis and Marcus.  These are my brothers.
At the summit on the Equinox run.  It was beautiful...and killed my legs!

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