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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Setting Goals for the Fall

On a morning walk with Sam, enjoying the fall colors.
And now the fall has begun in earnest.  Walks are brisk and the cool winds are welcome as the miles increase.  The reds and oranges are everywhere as the trees shed their leaves and prepare for the inevitable winter season.  While I do not like to contemplate the snow and darkness, I enjoy savoring the crisp mornings and blustery winds that gently nudge me from time to time.

There is not too much else happening as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Violet has a birthday soon, and then we enjoy our yearly trip to Virginia!  The heavy blankets are slowly making their way out of storage and closets around the house.  We try to leave the windows open as long as possible in an attempt to let the house breathe some fresh air.  There is something nice about the smell of fall and the slight chill some of the air brings into each room. 

I have put in my application for a couple marathons and have my eyes on some other half marathons next year, and it will be my goal to run consistently over the winter, as well as add some weight training when possible.  Health is something that needs to be a priority for me in the next year.  The last two years in my administrative role has added a bit too much weight, and I am finally getting some of it off now, but have a long way to go! 

Until then, we continue to walk and play as the leaves fall.

He put the wipe on his head and played for 20 minutes wearing it as a hat.  
Violet and the Taco Tuesday Taco Bar
Orelove Chocolate Chip Cookies made with 
Sam all bundled up before an evening walk.

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