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Friday, December 22, 2017

 Winters Past

Sam watching our first winter snow. 

This morning I awoke to the sounds of nothingness.   It was absolutely quiet, not even the slight breeze was audible as I lay in my dark room.   I turned and pulled aside the window curtain and was forced to squint at a world blanketed in snow greeted me.  

The sounds of the world are muffled beneath the first true layer of snow this winter season.  I have opened all curtains and blinds, letting the views of outside enter our home.  The falling snow is hypnotic, and brings a kind of inner peace to me.  

Kim has been busy with all things Christmas and the kids have been enjoying the holidays, including Hanukkah and driving around the county viewing amazing and complex Christmas light displays.  

Sam has been very fascinated with the candles and lights and now snow.  He observes and smiles and babbles at everything.   Life is good for this one year old.  

The snow continues to fall, bringing with it memories of my own Alaskan childhood.  It is genuinely shocking to me to have our first real snow on Christmas Eve.  In Juneau growing up, it was possible to be trick or treating in snow gear!  I remember nights as a young person where I walked in complete silence as enormous waffle snowflakes fell in the darkness.  Everything was silent safe for the patter of the flakes hitting the ground.  Each step I took left the sole print on the ground, as everyone else was asleep.

Now I sit, listening to my children play...although they should be cleaning their rooms.  Sam is crawling around his playroom while I type this, and Kim is in the kitchen planning her Christmas Eve dinner.  More wrapping awaits me while I watch the Bears finish their woeful season at noon.   Life is good...

And though I look forward to my winter break and Christmas tomorrow, I am kept content by the memories of my winters past.


I have been baking a lot as the weather gets colder.  Here are the bagels I made for my team breakfast at school.

Sam waiting in anticipation for his first birthday smash cake!  It was an epic mess!

Latkes on Hanukkah!

Silly selfie with Dad and Sam during Latke making!

Audrey making he first ever batch of latkes!  She is going to be a great cook!

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