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Monday, December 4, 2017

Cooling Down


Winter is knocking at our front door.  The wind howls some mornings, and others it is just a mild breeze.  Either way, the cold is not starting to nip and bite at times.  I find myself covering up and making sure gloves and a hat are with me at all times, as well as with my children.  As any good suburban family man, I have completed my final raking of the leaves today, and gone to the hardware store to make sure I have plenty of salt from the driveway and the cars both have extended ice scrapers and snow brushes.  We are ready for the snow, although I don't mind driving on clear roads.

Our little family is snug in our home, and we are thankful for all that we have.  We are preparing for the holiday season, and my thoughts wander towards my family and friends all over the country and world.  I take time to be thankful for my health, which I hope to improve in this next chunk of time, as I will be training for another marathon in June, as well as a half or two before then.  

Mostly, though, I give thanks for my children and my wife.  While every day is a bunch of laughs with Sam and Audrey and Violet, there were a couple close calls when Sam was born...and I am just grateful that both he and Kim are alive.  There are so many things in this life that seem important, but when we realize they matter not when held up to life and death.  So now I am getting my family calendar prepared, and looking on Amazon for some gifts for people...but I am content knowing that everyone I love and care about are happy, safe, and healthy.  

Sam on Swing
Family Selfie at the Zoo
The girls at the Zoo Lights festival!
Sam in his Bears gear!  It's been a long season!
Our winter lights are out!

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