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Sunday, December 31, 2017

One for the Road

It is a few hours from 2018.  We are enjoying a night with friends, food, and games.  It is bitter cold outside, her clear and the full moon lights up the snow on the ground.  How lucky we are and have been this past year.  Our lives are full, yet we look forward to more adventure and challenges in the new year.  Where will we be in a year from now?  Where were we last year?  What do we want to accomplish?  What do we need to accomplish?  What is something I have always wanted to do, but have yet to attempt?  We all have a window but we do not know how long it will be open.  Even in our lives, there seems to be finite time to accomplish certain things, and as I start to see some of my windows close, I look for all windows still open and consider them while I still can.  A new year does not mean a new me.   A new year means new opportunities.  

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