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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Hanukah

Audrey Reading with Doll in Chair

Happy Hanukah everyone!

Audrey helping with gifts and boxes during the holidays

It is officially winter here in the Land of Lincoln. Winter, rather than blanketing us with a fresh sheet of snow, has slapped us with a bitter hand and pelts us with rain, sleet, and ice.

Audrey is fascinated with the change in temperature and snowfall. She spots the flocks of Canada Geese flying South for the winter and points them out in the sky.

Tonight is night #2 of Hanukah. Last night was a simple lighting of candles and a gift from Zadie: The Book of King Kong! Audrey was interested in the illustrations, but was not ready to sit down for the reading of the entire volume that evening!

I am looking forward to the Winter Break at the end of next week. Classes at University are finished for the semester, so that is wonderful. It will be nice to just focus on home and school fora little while, and pretty soon not even school!

I hope everyone is finding a warm place to hunker down this holiday season and enjoy time to reflect and give thanks for the many blesings we all have, whether we realize them or not. Here are some recent picts!


A Gift from Zadie!!! What could it be!!!???

Audrey looking at a picture of Zadie

Audrey and Daddy read King Kong for Hanukah.

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