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Monday, January 31, 2011

The Big Chill

Audrey crawling through the prism!

We are hunkering down here in the Chicagoland area, preparing for the "storm of the century". Roughly 20 or more inches of snow are expected over the next 24-48 hours. The stores are low or out of basics such as water, bread, milk, etc. Fortunately, we have all the necessities and equipment. While I am always skeptical of the weatherman, there seems to be a unanimous voice that snow and wind and dangerous weather is in the forecast for the next few days. While the Alaska in my blood is curious about such a blizzard, the potential danger is concerning. We will take pictures and post later if it really is a record-setting snow.


PS- Here are some pictures of our trip to the DuPage Children's Museum this weekend!

At the water tub exploration center

Running through the light-activated sound room! PARTY DANCE TIME!!!

Blasting the air guns with Daddy!

Leaving with Daddy and some smiles

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