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Saturday, January 29, 2011

End of the Month

Audrey laughing at the camera!

Greeting All--

Things have been calm and enjoyable as of late. I know my lack of posting indicates that other things have been consuming time and energy. While the new year has been wonderful thus far, I have also found myself more focused on family and work than anything else.

Stretching out to play at Uncle Bob's house
January has been a nice month, despite the cold and winter constant. While I actually enjoy the snow a bit, it is the continual gray and darkness that I find challenging. After the holiday season in December, it is always a strange, gloomy transition into the new year. However, I am looking forward to 2011 very much.

Audrey posing and showing off her Sunday Dress!

It is exciting to think about Audrey turning three years old! I have been looking back at years past on this blog and find myself continually gawking at earlier photos of our little rainbow warrior. It is also startling to approach the realization of how quickly three years can pass! While there are moments that may drag-on, the overwhelming majority of time seemingly passes in seconds.

2011 will also be a nice year professionally because I will complete my studies in educational leadership, and be one more school year closer to tenure! I have been selected by my principal to attend a technology conference at the end of February, so that will be exciting to study various tools and applications and be able to utilize them in my classroom and school.

Playing with Cousin Gail while Great Grandma Flesher watches the Bears Game

We are also very excited about the summer of 2011 because Grandpa Ted and Grandma Lisa will be visiting from Texas in July to take us to a U2 concert in downtown Chicago at Soldier Field!!! While I have never explored U2 music much, I am over-the-hill excited to see my family and watch Ted and Audrey continue their relationship and to have a chance to share some food, laughter, and make some more memories.

Audrey JIT: Jedi in Training

Last week we were in South Bend, enjoying some time with the family. It was my 31st birthday, and we had some cake and I got a few very nice gifts. Despite a Chicago Bears loss to the Packers, I greatly enjoyed my time on Sunday, especially the times when Audrey helped me blow-out my candles! As usual, Audrey loves dividing her time with all of the wonderful people in Indiana, including cousin Gail, Grandma Dixie, Auntie Ann, and trading jabs with Uncle Bob and Grandpa Cip! Thank you again everyone for the nice times and thoughtful gifts!

Now we are home, and our family is just waking-up on this dreary Saturday morning. Audrey is snacking on a bowl of dry cereal and a cup of milk, while the dog eats her morning chow and kim sleeps upstairs. While there are so many things I think about and goals we have this year, it is nice to have no set plans this weekend. Sometimes, with all of the planning and scheming, it is refreshing to have open time and space to let the unexpected in.


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