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Sunday, January 16, 2011

January Slumbers

Greetings Family and Friends,

Things have been calm yet in constant motion around the household! Last night Kim and I attended a birthday party in downtown Chicago at a place called Texas de Brazil. It is one of those Brazilian steakhouses where you have a paper disc, with one side red and the other side green. When you flip it to green, servers carrying skewers of various meats just appear and you select whatever you want. From fillet Mignon to garlic flank steak to Parmesan chicken, they had it all. It was a very nice dinner, and needless to say, we all surpassed our comfort levels in terms of servings!

Abel and Kim at Texas de Brazil

Audrey, meanwhile, spent the evening with my friends, the Cederblad family out in Villa Park. She attended a Green Bay Packer party and was introduced to the I-Pad, which she is now enamored with! I was a little nervous when we got there that she was wearing a Packer shirt, but she asked me to take it off, so that was comforting. :-)

Audrey playing and experimenting with snow in the living room!

The snow has been a regular happening these past two weeks. The ground is covered with a layer of permaice, and the layers of white make things look calm and fresh. My classes have started again, so it is busy weeks, which is nice. Now,it is time for the Bears game and, while I was born in Seattle, the Bears are my team. BEARS!


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