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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Day to Recover

Violet waking up from a nap.  She is buried in blankets and surrounded by pillows.

Today I stayed home with my sick Violet.  She woke this morning around 4am with a bad cough and congestion.  She wasn't any better a couple hours later when my alarm sounded, and I made the decision to work from home and help my little warrior recover.

Even though she was smiling after pancakes, this sick kid went right back to the couch.  Very NOT Violet if you have ever met her.

After dropping Audrey off at school, Violet and I drove to the store to get some medicine and fresh fruit.  Then we headed home and spend the remainder of the day doing laundry and resting.  Sometimes we need days like that, just letting our bodies recover.  While I didn't need the rest, it was still nice to have the quiet in the middle of the week.

Even Phoebe took advantage of the warm fire and lazy day.

It is now almost 7pm, and the day is nearly over.  Showers and stories are in the immediate future for the girls.  Some reading and an early departure for work are the next two items on my personal agenda.  A packed weekend lies ahead for our little family, filled with friends, family, birthday parties, and even a visit from grandma!  But tonight we rest, letting our minds and bodies breathe and recover and become whole again.

Here is Violet this past weekend, beginning her new running program and attempting to beat her previous time for the mile!  She is a rock star!

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