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Sunday, January 10, 2016


The girls enjoy some play time in the reading tent!

This weekend has been one of quiet, absolute rest.  After a long winter break, the past week was very challenging and seemed to be stretched-out, like taffy from a parade.  Violet asked every night before I turned-out the lights whether or not tomorrow was a "stay at home day?"  So when we finally all gathered for Friday night dinner, we basically just collapsed in the living room and savored the soft glow of a movie and allowed the warmth of the fireplace to envelope us until sleep.

Saturday was a day of cleaning and naps and playing.  We got outside for a little while after a warm wave melted all of the snow.  We managed to make a trip around the block on the girls' new scooters.  Phoebe enjoyed a trek around the neighborhood, although the ice rain began falling as we neared our house.  The weather quickly dropped into freezing temperatures, and snow quickly followed.  We spend the rest of the day indoors, watching the flakes fall outside, lounging around the house, getting a few miles in on the treadmill, and enjoying more shows and some reading of a few of the many books I purchased over winter break.

Today, Sunday, has been sunny and bright, and bitterly cold.  Phoebe ran outside, took one hit of wind, and high-tailed it back into the house.  Winter is a beautiful time of year...depending which side of the window you are on!  More cleaning, laundry, other chores....some football on TV, and cooking throughout the day has filled the hours.  Now we find ourselves warm by the fire, the responsibilities of Monday starting to call in the back of my mind.  There are a few more hours, however, and this Sunday evening will be spent with my family.

Taking the time to rest ensures that we are ready to meet the demands of the world around us.  Yes, weekends are also a time to have adventures and travel and experience things with those most important to you.  This weekend, though, was about just being and breathing and resting.

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