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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Running into 2016

Since my Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon in November, I have been mapping out some new running goals and signing-up for several races.  There is something about running that makes me feel both alone and part of a larger community.  Running allows me to clear my head, or let all of my thoughts wash over me for a while.

My running goals for this year are simple:  
1)  Run to have fun and be healthy.
2)  Improve strength and speed.
3)  Participate in more events to maintain motivation and training consistency.
4)  Use running as a way to have new experiences.
5)  Get race medals to add to the rack!

So with these goals in mind, I have signed-up for six half marathons in 2016, and left the possibility of the New York Marathon on the table if I get selected in the lottery.  I tried to space the races out and allow for a little recovery and continued training so my level of fitness would not be lost.  Hopefully the continued training and motivation moving towards each half will propel me to faster times and higher levels of performance.  I am excited to try three completely new races, and return to three familiar and satisfying ones.  Below I have listed them and a little about my thinking around each race.

The Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon--April 2nd
Springfield, IL
I was looking for an earlier race to keep me motivated throughout the winter, and this seemed to do the trick  It is a smaller race, but lots of support and I like the Lincoln theme plus a giant penny finisher medal!  Should have some good humor and a few history lessons!

The Wisconsin Half Marathon--May 7th
Kenosha, WI
This is the marathon that I didn't finish last year.  I plan on returning to the scene and completing the half as a sort of redemption.  While it is not the full, crossing the finish will be fitting a piece of the puzzle into place for me.  Also, during the marathon last year, I remember vividly thinking, "Wow, this would be an awesome half marathon."  The half takes everyone through the delightful downtown area, along the lakeshore, and then to the finish.  The full breaks off just before the half finishes, and take the runners out into a lonely, lonely stretch of gravel road out and back.  I told myself I should have stuck to the half.  This year, that is what I will do.

The Volition America Chicago Half Marathon--June 4th
Chicago, IL
I was looking for a June half, and this fit the bill.  The cause of the race is to raise money and awareness about families who have lost loved ones who have served in the military.  Tuition will be provided to children of some of those families.  Also, it is June in Chicago, and a nice run along the lakefront is just fine by me.  It is a different kind of race agenda, so I am looking forward to experiencing something a little different.

Summerfest Rock 'n Sole Half Marathon--June 11th
Milwaukee, IL
I saw this, and registered, not realizing it was the week after the Volition!  I look at this now as a challenge to run and recover and prepare for another run shortly after!  Also, it is relatively close, and the girls get to run in the fun run and get another medal for their own displays!  I have not been to Milwaukee, so I am looking forward to a run and an afternoon as a tourist before heading home!  Plus, all reviews indicate that it is a nice experience with some support and nice views!

The Chicago Half Marathon--September 25th
I am happy to be returning to run this half for the second time in three years!  I had fun when Kim ran the 5k and I ran the half.  This run is fun because there are a lot of people and it feels special being called THE Chicago half marathon.  I hope the weather doesn't heat up as fast as it did last time, but again I will find myself along the lake shore and that will hopefully keep the temperatures down!  Last year they had a HUGE finisher's I am keeping my fingers crossed for a repeat!

The Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon--November 5th
I have run in this the past two years, and enjoy the flat course through downtown Indianapolis.  It is a little chillier in November, and that keeps the pace up and the coolness is a refreshing thing.  I try to see friends or family when in town for this run, that is always a bonus.  This past year, my friend (Amy) ran her first half, and it was a lot of fun to see her reach that goal.  This year, she told me she signed up for the full marathon!  I am so excited to cheer her on when I finish the half again!  I always enjoy my time in Indianapolis, and this race is really a treat!  

So what?

So there it points of motivation and plan for this next year.  Running and training is something that helps me do better at my job and be more present as a dad and husband.  These races are not really about what place I finish, but a celebration of the work put in just to get there.  

I wanted to share this not to brag or boast, but to remind myself through writing this that it is a passion and a reminder to treat my health as a gift and to use it and cherish it and encourage it to strengthen and grow.  While I cannot (and would not) push my love of running on others, I hope that anyone reading this takes a moment to think about what passions they have in life, and whether or not you are actively pursuing them currently?  The thing about life is, that it is meant for us to find and follow the things we find most captivating and endearing to us.  These attractions are a large part of what makes us unique and how we define ourselves.  I look forward to my next run, and further defining who I am.


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