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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rainy Day

Audrey at Lake Michigan

Audrey, Daddy, and the Lake

The sun is setting somewhere beyond the grey, rainy clouds that have been out the entire day.  I am currently somewhere lost in my sleeping bag, watching Scooby Doo with Violet and contemplating leaving my warm confines for some Chinese food and to light-up the fire place.

A beautiful lady on a beautiful day
Exploring the blue

Dipping her feet in the water!

Our days are moving quickly as summer approaches.  My work is all-consuming most days, and leaves me exhausted, yet excited to return the next morning.  I am looking forward to working on summer school and also focusing on my own growth as an administrator for next school year.

Playing at the park!  

We got a playset for our backyard!  Here is the basic model, although ours will have monkey bars and a couple other pieces!  We are so lucky!  Thank you Zayde and Granny!

The girls are excited to spend some time at home this summer, although it won't be as plentiful now that I am working during summer, too.  Plans of swimming, trips to Indiana, biking, the zoo....all of these options keep us motivated to finish school on a high note so we can enjoy the spoils of summer!

Violet "Slugger" Orelove

My custom Cubs jersey!  So excited for the Cubbies this year!

I am just captivated by massive clouds here in the Midwest.  I could watch them for hours!

Today, however, we stay low and mellow.  I managed to get out in some light rain this morning and mow the lawn, but that was about it.  Tomorrow there will be running and laundry and cleaning and such...but today we are lazy, and that is just fine.  We need these days.

Violet and Daddy.  Just being.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


It is grey and cold outside.  Both girls are still asleep and my coffee next to me keeps me company as the rain hits the window, reminding everyone that it is spring.  The dishwasher hums quietly in the kitchen.  Other than the rain and the washer, my keystrokes are the only other sound right now.  It is quiet, and that is a blessing at times.

There is not a lot to do today in terms of plans and activities.  The usual lineup of laundry and room cleaning is on the agenda, and a trip to the YMCA later to swim is much-needed for these kids.  There is always work to do for me, so I am sure that a couple hours might be applied to my day, as well.

Today will be a day to do the things we do, and not too much else.  Simple.  That is just fine with me.  We are always doing so much, always striving to add new experiences.  Sometimes we just need a down day and one that we can be in our routine and simply enjoy the things we have and the things we know best.  Today should be that kind of day.

And now for another cup of coffee.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Back to It

I awoke this morning with a sense of anxiety and things-to-do in order to be ready to return to work tomorrow.  While Sunday for most is a day of relaxation, it is a day of planning and thoughtfulness for me.

I have really enjoyed my Spring Break this year.  It is strange not being a teacher and still getting to take this amount of time for breaks during the year.  I am not complaining, just observing.  This vacation started very poorly, as I had a stomach flu for two days and spent the next few recovering after that and getting re-hydrated and building my energy back up.  Each day with my children has been wonderful, despite the occasional bickering and arguing.  I still step back and just look at them in-the-moment and marvel at how much they have grown and learned.  They are truly becoming their own little selves and developing their own massive personalities.

My mother visiting has been the highlight of the break for me.  It has been wonderful just having her positive personality in the house.  It has also been special for me to have the opportunity to take care of her and be a host in our new house.  I am so proud of the life we have created here, and getting to show my mom has been an important thing for me.  It is difficult, sometimes, to live so far away from my parents and family.  So when I have an opportunity to spend time with them, it is something I try very hard value and savor.

However, in a couple hours my mother leaves back to Alaska.  The rest of the day will be spent getting the house in order and working to prepare for the return to our "normal" schedules and family life.  I have reading and some presentations to work through, and lunches need to be made.  Alarms must be set, and clothes laid-out for the morning rush.  I love my work, and I am truly excited to return and finish the school year strong.  I also cannot wait to return next year and begin building off of the things we have started this year.

Any time left in the day will be spent in quiet gratitude and possibly a dog walk or bike ride...depending on the weather today.  So now the sun is rising and it is time to embrace this final day of Spring Break.  There are things to do and life to experience.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon

I ran the 2016 Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon this morning in Springfield, IL.  It was going to be a family trip, but both my mom and Audrey have colds, so I decided to drive solo and just return right after the race.  I had a lot of fun, and would consider doing this run again.  Here is the website:
The running over the winter and workouts every week day definitely helped get me ready for this first half of the season.  I felt good and stopped only to snap a couple pictures.  Final official time:  2:09:23.  It was a beautiful and chilly morning at the start, then the sun came out and the rest of the run was a pleasure.  Thank you Springfield.  

Friday evening drive to Springfield.

Laying-out my gear the night before.

Redbull and breakfast bar after picking up my bib at 6:30am day of race.  Breakfast of Champions.  

The shirt this year.  "Go the Distance"

Saw this couple before the race.  

This fire fighter was running in full gear plus tank on his back.  Just cool.

The President gives an inspirational speech before the start in front of the Capital.

The Capital Building on the run!

Lincoln's Tomb on the run.

Finished and got my penny medal!

Another picture with the President and his lovely wife.  She was really funny.

This guy ran as a giant penny!