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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Get Moving

 Today is one of those Sundays where it already feels like the pressures of the day are bubbling-up in my mind:  Laundry, dishes, general cleaning, grading papers, lesson planning, exercise, dogs, kids, etc.  I do appreciate having some quiet time in the morning, but also it feels like I am taking away from my productivity sometimes.  I know that things will pick-up shortly as the rest of the house starts to wake-up...but the hardest thing sometimes is just sitting still.

Today should be a quiet one, as Sam seems to have a cold and the girls were all up late last night.  The dogs are looking at me expectantly for a morning walk,  Luna keeps pawing at me for more pets and Oskar keeps a watchful eye on me, in case there are treats involved.  

Well, the sun has risen and the day is awaiting.  I think another cup of coffee and then the laundry and cleaning begins before lunch then lesson planning and grading.  Yes, the day has been set and we will attack it now with vigor!  Hopefully an excellent soundtrack will accompany the day!  


Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Day Yet Unwritten

 Another quiet, sunny Sunday morning.  The rest of the family is still for these two fur brains that consider themselves dogs at the best of times.  Our dogs have really been a blessing in life.  Ever since I was a child, dogs have been in my life.  They have helped through tough times, and are there throughout it all!  I have explored all of the trails and mountains in Juneau with a dog by my side, including on my daily paper routes!  So it is comforting to see Oskar and Luna, today, playing with my own children and acting as part of the family fabric.  My children have deemed them "The Fun Police" because they bark at me whenever they think I am playing too rough or acting in any way unusual.  Needless to say, I get barked at a lot in my own house.

Our day today has yet to take shape.  The sun and blue skies are whispering promises or a warmer-than-usual day...with spring just on the horizon, it is tempting to consider some time at the zoo!  The usual laundry, cleaning, and shopping are probably on the agenda..but what other adventures could we find today?  Tomorrow is another holiday, and another day at home.  I am reserving this for grading papers and planning for today is really our "fun day".  Taekwando was yesterday for me, which is becoming quire enjoyable.  I love attending with Violet...but have begun to appreciate moving my own body and working on the forms.  It is satisfying to get some push-ups in on a regular basis and also learn some basic kicks and punches!  I had my first belt testing on Friday, and was allowed to double test!  I am confident it all went well, and it was fun to break some boards at the end of the session!  

I have just placed the grocery order for this is amazing to me.  The laundry is going, the coffee is flowing...maybe an audiobook for a little while?  I love the quiet, but find it difficult to remain in it for long.  Off to find the next morning adventure, while enjoying being part of the Early Bird Club today!  


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Cold Morning--Hot Coffee

 Coffee and tea have been my morning go-to on the weekends....and coffee is really my only go-to on the daily morning commute.  There is something so comforting about a hot cup of liquid in my hand....joining me as I wake-up.  The early morning is really my time of peace, quiet....solitude.  There has been something to the time spend just being and holding still, and breathing.  Just having time to think and let my mind wander without the traditional constraints of time and responsibilities looming.  

It is interesting to see where one's mind travels when it does not have a clear path to follow.  There are the usual things like money and family and job stuff...then the secondary levels of household chores, to-do-items, and the things I know I really should get around to doing items.  Then, however, it gets fun....because once I can get past all of that, I find myself in a place considering the bigger goals....dreaming...thinking about the "what its"....

"What if I go back to school to earn a doctorate?"  

"What if we just moved back to Juneau?"

"What if I drove across the country in a conversion van?"

"What if I focused only on physical fitness for a year?"

"What if I brought the kids to wherever they wanted to go in the world?"

"What will it be like when the kids are away from the house?"

"What if I get another cup of coffee?"

The last one usually brings me back to the it has at the moment of typing this.  Paul Simon is singing quietly on my phone...telling me we all shall be received in Graceland.  There is something reassuring about that line....

So here I sit...doing my best to hold still and yet let my mind wander.  The snow has started to fall again, and I think it is the perfect time for another cup of coffee before sitting back down to let my mind wander just a little while longer...and dream....before the house wakes up.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Rising in the Morning

 The dogs look at me, waiting for more pets that will undoubtedly arrive at some point in the near future.  I am treed on my couch as they camp-out on the floor directly below my blanketed legs.  The coffee steams, each wisp a whisper into the chilly morning air.  Eggs and hash browns are in the oven, soon to be ready for anyone in the Early Bird Club...something I started a few weeks ago to encourage my daughters to get up before noon on the weekends.  

I have made overnight chili and am now keeping it on low via the crockpot.  Egg muffins, bacon, and hash browns await any member of the early bird club, and brownies are baking int he oven.  I have opened several windows on the main floor in an attempt to get a cold, clean breath of air through this house.  The last several weeks have been more or less miserably cold, and we have spent a lot of time inside.  The cold, fresh air should do this house good and maybe even wake up the rest of the house (save Sam, who had pancakes and is now off playing).  

Laundry awaits my attention, and maybe a run on the treadmill today...but it is nice to not have a lot planned for a day.  Sometimes simple plans are the best ones...I am realizing that more and more as I get older.  Maybe hang some more art and pictures around the house...maybe a book and some Nintendo?  I am lucky to have to make such decisions today.  Right now...another cup of coffee.  The timer just sounded for the brownies.  I was right about the fresh air...
