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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Rising in the Morning

 The dogs look at me, waiting for more pets that will undoubtedly arrive at some point in the near future.  I am treed on my couch as they camp-out on the floor directly below my blanketed legs.  The coffee steams, each wisp a whisper into the chilly morning air.  Eggs and hash browns are in the oven, soon to be ready for anyone in the Early Bird Club...something I started a few weeks ago to encourage my daughters to get up before noon on the weekends.  

I have made overnight chili and am now keeping it on low via the crockpot.  Egg muffins, bacon, and hash browns await any member of the early bird club, and brownies are baking int he oven.  I have opened several windows on the main floor in an attempt to get a cold, clean breath of air through this house.  The last several weeks have been more or less miserably cold, and we have spent a lot of time inside.  The cold, fresh air should do this house good and maybe even wake up the rest of the house (save Sam, who had pancakes and is now off playing).  

Laundry awaits my attention, and maybe a run on the treadmill today...but it is nice to not have a lot planned for a day.  Sometimes simple plans are the best ones...I am realizing that more and more as I get older.  Maybe hang some more art and pictures around the house...maybe a book and some Nintendo?  I am lucky to have to make such decisions today.  Right now...another cup of coffee.  The timer just sounded for the brownies.  I was right about the fresh air...


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