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Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

The sun is setting on this Memorial Day. Both of my grandfathers (as well as Kim's) have served in the military in some capacity. While I have many views and feelings towards the notion of War, I appreciate and respect the many sacrifices made and acts of courage shown.

The family spent a long weekend in South Bend, visiting the grave of Kim's grandfather, attending a wedding, and hanging out with Mark and Beth a little. Audrey was part of the wedding, a flower girl! Audrey got a chance to see all sorts of family over the weekend, including her Great Grandmother who has almost completely moved into the house next to Dixie.

Aside from the weather changing, not too much is new to report on the family front. I'm attempting to hang shelves, store stuff in the garage, and reorganize the house. I am also in the process of packing and moving out of my classroom and trying desperately to finish report cards early before we head to Alaska for my friend's wedding! Now that I look at all that, I guess there is a lot going on.

Audrey is moving and scooting around. She has the mechanics of the crawl down, but she doesn't seem to get enough traction. She rolls, picks-up anything within reach, and watches EVERYTHING! She especially enjoyed playing with Cousin Gail this afternoon, being zoomed towards and away from the hallway mirror. She love looking at herself in the mirror. She seems to take after her mother in that sense! :-)

I just finished folding laundry and will now sweep and maybe get some lesson plans done. I would post pictures, but our camera needs to be recharged before I can upload, so I'll hopefully use that as an excuse inbetween grading and packing this week. I hope this letter finds everyone well. I want to say hellow to all of the family and friends in Alaska and on the West Coast reading the blog!


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