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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update

Momma and Daughter

This weekend has been a quick one. I attended yet another technology class yesterday. Those classes seem to shorten my weekend by half! However, I get paid for attending and this was the final one of the year.

Uncle Bob and Audrey!

The rest of this weekend has been spent attempting to clean and organize. Kim is on the warpath as far as organization, so I assume we'll eventually pull everything off the shelves and either trash, donate, or store most of our possessions. I am pleading with her to wait until my summer break to begin Operation Organize so I can focus on finishing the school year without worrying about our house being a pit.

Cousin Gail and Audrey!

Other than that, not too much new. I saw Star Trek with my cousin, Gail. It was a fun summer flick and I really enjoyed the action and adventure! Fun film for anyone! Enough references and homage paid to the original series yet still stands on its own and introduces Star Trek to a whole new generation. Posted with this blog are a couple pictures Gail took over mothers day weekend! Enjoy!

Dad and Daughter!


1 comment:

Kim said...

HEY! I was present at Star Trek as well!