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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rainy Evening

The raindrops are falling hard outside. Audrey is snoozing beside me as I peck away at this keyboard. The last hour or so has been dedicated to doing some odds and ends around the house and feeding this baby some mashed peaches...of which some I am convinced are eternally wedged in between her fingers.

Life is nice and quiet in the Orelove household. The dog enjoys giving the cats a little runaround from time-to-time and Kim has been making some marvelous dishes for dinner that fill the entire house with wonderful smells! Audrey is constantly moving in to crawl position, and has even started scooting a little now and full crawl....but mobility cannot be far off now.

School is going ok. It is sad to imagine leaving and having to start over again in a new district. While I am grateful and very excited for the new opportunity, I am greatly saddened by the thought of leaving my wonderful 5th grade team. We have shared a lot this year and I keep picturing us together again next year, but then have to remind myself that is most likely not going to be a reality. I will know by Friday my fate. I have written the Superintendent of Human Resources for the school district asking for a firm answer on my status for next year. I am going to visit my new school and look over the contract on Friday. So, if I am asked to stay in the district, I will decline my new offer. However, if I am not asked back or do not hear back by Friday, then I will sign and secure employment for next year.

With Audrey and my wife now on my medical coverage, I cannot dilly-dally around in this economic climate waiting for an answer. My family is my priority. Again, I appreciate all the love and support everyone has been sending my way on this issue. Please know that, either way, I will be in an outstanding position to teach and help kids.

On another note, we've recently purchased a new digital camera for snapping pictures. While the DSL is wonderful, it is also nice to have a quick point-and-shoot around. I'm attaching a couple pictures and a new video of Audrey in her bouncy doing her "RiverDance!" with a cameo by Phoebe.

At the end of the day, with all these feelings and emotions and situations in my life, I look at my daughter and realize, "There's nothing else that really matters."


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