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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Update

Hello all. I am still in the technology class. It is very interesting and I am learning more about blogs and wikis today. I hope to use them with my classroom next year. Speaking of next year...

I am prepared to accept a new position as the 5th Grade Math and Science teacher at Hadley Middle School in Homer Glen. It is about 15 minutes closer on my commute, so that is wonderful. However, I am still not happy about leaving my current school district and the two years I have put in. I think it is a wonderful opportunity to focus on my two favorite subject areas, although I will miss many elements of reading and writing. I will do my best to work reading and writing into my curriculum. Mostly, I am saddened at the fact that I will be leaving so many colleagues whom I admire greatly, and we will have to find new child care. I cannot express how wonderful our current child care provider is. She is such an important part of Audrey's life and it is difficult to imagine bringing my child to anyone else.

Sigh...I guess this is all part of life. I keep trying to tell myself that all of these things happen for a reason and I tell myself that there is a greater plan when I am feeling frustrated.

The plan for the rest of the weekend includes cleaning, running with the dog, and playing with our new digital camcorder and camera and maybe uploading some new video so you all can see a sassy 7-month old in action! Here is a picture of Audrey and her two other friends at Child Care Lilly and Sarah (above). I promise to upload those Springfield trips this weekend, too! Have a nice relaxing time, wherever you all are!


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