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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Night Worries--

We have been cleaning and cleaning, and the house is looking great. I guess it is some kind of pregnancy phenomenon with all of the "nesting". I would do some more reading on it, but I feel that I have very little time to do much else than prepare for the arrival of Baby O and get my new school year of the ground.

Kim and I are doing all that we can to be as ready as possible for our child, but there are times that I find myself fretting over things that I have no power over. While I have discussed these concerns at prepared childhood classes, and with Kim, they still find a way to creep into my mind at times. Things like what if the baby gets sick? What if it falls? What if ...what if...what if?!?!?? I know that this is not an uncommon thing to happen to fathers-to-be, but it is still frustrating and frightening at times.

I take comfort in knowing that we have a great support system of family and friends both near and far, and that Kim and I are both excited and looking forward to the challenges and rewards of parenthood.

For now, I will take the dog for a walk, put away the Chinese food, and enjoy a new book from the store. Tomorrow is another day of rest, cleaning, and more preparation for all of the What Ifs..


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Cleaning

I am secretly updating the blog under the guise that I am checking my e-mail. I am doing so in order to take a break from the relentless cleaning that we have been undertaking all day. As one of our final preparations for Baby O, we are making every attempt to clean our house from top to bottom. While I love having a clean house, it is times like these that remind me how absolutely dirty a house can get when you don't clean behind the fridge on a daily basis! As motivation, I keep envisioning our baby crawling around and that keeps me swiffering and bumping the laundry!

Ogh Oh! Kim has found me out and is now giving me the nth degree! More later. I guess I'd better get back to the steam cleaner and cat box!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The End of Summer

Again, I am sorry for the lack of updating. I will do my best to make these blogs more frequent! As you might imagine, though, things have really started to move into the fast lane here at the Orelove household!

As the title of this post reflects, the end of summer is upon us. We have relished the remaining days with frequent trips to South Bend and lazing around our house in Plainfield! I have personally savored my final days of napping leading up to the new school year. Phoebe the dog has also enjoyed spending the entire day out of her crate and running errands with me and walking all over the place!

Today, however, my school year began and I have returned to my early morning routines. While I miss the option to nap or read at any time, there is something else inside of me that is happy to have returned to the classroom. My students show great promise, and I am excited about the possibilities in my new school, Ardmore Elementary!

Kim and Baby Orelove continue to rest as much as possible. Kim is amazing and has great patience when the baby "sits" on her ribs! The last few weeks have consisted of our final runs to Babies R Us and furnature installation. As soon as we get our camera back, we'll post some updated picts of the baby room, including the new crib! Posted today, though, are some pictures from the summer including Kim and I, Momma Dixie, Beth and Mark, Ann, Conner, Emily, and baby Katherine!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crib and things

Well, this week has involved some back-breaking work with trips to IKEA, Target, and Babies R Us. We have purchased and moved all of the baby furnature into our house. Today was the most grueling as I had to rent a UHAUL truck to pick-up the crib. It is a huge and akward box to move about, but I am excited about the final product it holds. It will be nice to assemble the crib and move it into place as it is the final piece for the room. I look forward to taking and sending final pictures of the set-up once it is complete. We have yet to decide on wall decorations, but there is also something plesant about a solid color of wall. You all will be able to make up your own opinions on the matter in a day or two.

As we assemble and arrange the final pieces before the arrival of Baby Orelove, I am experiencing many small moments of personal thought and reflection. It is quite a feeling to realize the overwhelming situation of bringing life into this world. I always thought I would have children, but never quite knew when or where. I have always avoided making absolute certain plans and allowed for life changes and flexibility. I also find myself looking back on my own childhood and examinging my own parents and experiences from youth. I am sure that I am not the only new parent to look back and search for inspiration. While I know tha there will a seemingly infinate number of moments where I will feel helplessly over my head with this new baby, I am find comfort knowing that our child will also have love and support from all of our family and friends, and I look forward to watching as everyone helps to impart...or attempt to impart knowledge and humor into the life of Baby Orelove.

Pictures to come soon!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sorry about the lack of postings lately. As you might imagine, things have been speeding-up rapidly in terms of the baby, and life in general.

Kim and I have finished our baby birthing classes at Edwards Hospital. To be quite honest, it was rather overwhelming with masses of information. Over the course of 5 weeks, I had a feeling similar to that of my MAT program! However, it was comforting in a way to meet every week with a professional and a group of peers who are in the same situation and experiencing the same emotions, fears, and excitement that we are going through. It is always nice to go somewhere that you can ask questions, express concerns, and share thoughts. It helps contain the feelings of being overwhelmend with the entire process of childbirth.

With the beginning of school approaching way too fast (sigh), I find myself making end-of-the-summer lists of both personal things to go, as well as baby prep. Kim is doing great, and looks ready to explode, although we still have a little over a month! This week we're expecting the crib to arrive, which is one of those iconic daddy things to me. I look forward to assembling it and arranging it in the baby room!

I'll post some pictures soon of new things for the baby. Now it is time to get back to washing the new clothes and de-assemble the pack 'n play we bought this past weekend. Finally, it was really a pleasure to meet at the family reunion f the Fleshers and see familiar faces again. Also, thank you for all the comments and motivation to keep updating this blog. I look forward to the next several days as I transition back into teaching and near the birthday of Baby Orelove!


Friday, August 1, 2008


WOW! It is amazing to think that in just under two months Baby Orelove will be here! It makes me think of all the things we still have to do in order to prepare! The nesting instinct has kicked-in for both Kim and I! Lots of cleaning, lots of reorganizing, lots of getting rid of stuff that we really don't need!

We are also attending Child Birth Prep. classes every Wednesday at Edwards Hospital. They are very informative, and also a lot of fun. It is comforting on may levels to be with a group of people who are going through the same experiences and emotions as you are. It is also a great learning experience with a lot of laughs. For me, however, it is all the information that is most comforting. I think that, as a new parent, I have so many questions and know so little, that it is a relief to have my questions readily answered!

Well, that seems to be it for now. I'll try and get some more pictures up in the near future!

