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Friday, August 1, 2008


WOW! It is amazing to think that in just under two months Baby Orelove will be here! It makes me think of all the things we still have to do in order to prepare! The nesting instinct has kicked-in for both Kim and I! Lots of cleaning, lots of reorganizing, lots of getting rid of stuff that we really don't need!

We are also attending Child Birth Prep. classes every Wednesday at Edwards Hospital. They are very informative, and also a lot of fun. It is comforting on may levels to be with a group of people who are going through the same experiences and emotions as you are. It is also a great learning experience with a lot of laughs. For me, however, it is all the information that is most comforting. I think that, as a new parent, I have so many questions and know so little, that it is a relief to have my questions readily answered!

Well, that seems to be it for now. I'll try and get some more pictures up in the near future!



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Bethany said...
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