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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sorry about the lack of postings lately. As you might imagine, things have been speeding-up rapidly in terms of the baby, and life in general.

Kim and I have finished our baby birthing classes at Edwards Hospital. To be quite honest, it was rather overwhelming with masses of information. Over the course of 5 weeks, I had a feeling similar to that of my MAT program! However, it was comforting in a way to meet every week with a professional and a group of peers who are in the same situation and experiencing the same emotions, fears, and excitement that we are going through. It is always nice to go somewhere that you can ask questions, express concerns, and share thoughts. It helps contain the feelings of being overwhelmend with the entire process of childbirth.

With the beginning of school approaching way too fast (sigh), I find myself making end-of-the-summer lists of both personal things to go, as well as baby prep. Kim is doing great, and looks ready to explode, although we still have a little over a month! This week we're expecting the crib to arrive, which is one of those iconic daddy things to me. I look forward to assembling it and arranging it in the baby room!

I'll post some pictures soon of new things for the baby. Now it is time to get back to washing the new clothes and de-assemble the pack 'n play we bought this past weekend. Finally, it was really a pleasure to meet at the family reunion f the Fleshers and see familiar faces again. Also, thank you for all the comments and motivation to keep updating this blog. I look forward to the next several days as I transition back into teaching and near the birthday of Baby Orelove!


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