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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Night Worries--

We have been cleaning and cleaning, and the house is looking great. I guess it is some kind of pregnancy phenomenon with all of the "nesting". I would do some more reading on it, but I feel that I have very little time to do much else than prepare for the arrival of Baby O and get my new school year of the ground.

Kim and I are doing all that we can to be as ready as possible for our child, but there are times that I find myself fretting over things that I have no power over. While I have discussed these concerns at prepared childhood classes, and with Kim, they still find a way to creep into my mind at times. Things like what if the baby gets sick? What if it falls? What if ...what if...what if?!?!?? I know that this is not an uncommon thing to happen to fathers-to-be, but it is still frustrating and frightening at times.

I take comfort in knowing that we have a great support system of family and friends both near and far, and that Kim and I are both excited and looking forward to the challenges and rewards of parenthood.

For now, I will take the dog for a walk, put away the Chinese food, and enjoy a new book from the store. Tomorrow is another day of rest, cleaning, and more preparation for all of the What Ifs..


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