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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The End of Summer

Again, I am sorry for the lack of updating. I will do my best to make these blogs more frequent! As you might imagine, though, things have really started to move into the fast lane here at the Orelove household!

As the title of this post reflects, the end of summer is upon us. We have relished the remaining days with frequent trips to South Bend and lazing around our house in Plainfield! I have personally savored my final days of napping leading up to the new school year. Phoebe the dog has also enjoyed spending the entire day out of her crate and running errands with me and walking all over the place!

Today, however, my school year began and I have returned to my early morning routines. While I miss the option to nap or read at any time, there is something else inside of me that is happy to have returned to the classroom. My students show great promise, and I am excited about the possibilities in my new school, Ardmore Elementary!

Kim and Baby Orelove continue to rest as much as possible. Kim is amazing and has great patience when the baby "sits" on her ribs! The last few weeks have consisted of our final runs to Babies R Us and furnature installation. As soon as we get our camera back, we'll post some updated picts of the baby room, including the new crib! Posted today, though, are some pictures from the summer including Kim and I, Momma Dixie, Beth and Mark, Ann, Conner, Emily, and baby Katherine!

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