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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crib and things

Well, this week has involved some back-breaking work with trips to IKEA, Target, and Babies R Us. We have purchased and moved all of the baby furnature into our house. Today was the most grueling as I had to rent a UHAUL truck to pick-up the crib. It is a huge and akward box to move about, but I am excited about the final product it holds. It will be nice to assemble the crib and move it into place as it is the final piece for the room. I look forward to taking and sending final pictures of the set-up once it is complete. We have yet to decide on wall decorations, but there is also something plesant about a solid color of wall. You all will be able to make up your own opinions on the matter in a day or two.

As we assemble and arrange the final pieces before the arrival of Baby Orelove, I am experiencing many small moments of personal thought and reflection. It is quite a feeling to realize the overwhelming situation of bringing life into this world. I always thought I would have children, but never quite knew when or where. I have always avoided making absolute certain plans and allowed for life changes and flexibility. I also find myself looking back on my own childhood and examinging my own parents and experiences from youth. I am sure that I am not the only new parent to look back and search for inspiration. While I know tha there will a seemingly infinate number of moments where I will feel helplessly over my head with this new baby, I am find comfort knowing that our child will also have love and support from all of our family and friends, and I look forward to watching as everyone helps to impart...or attempt to impart knowledge and humor into the life of Baby Orelove.

Pictures to come soon!


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